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  • Recession brings reforms too
  • Posted By:
  • Brian A
  • Posted On:
  • 09-Jun-2009
  • Recession had its effects – mostly visible ones but a few not so visible ones too. One couldn’t imagine that the financial setup for aiding schools would be put under scanner, but that is exactly what has been happening. A new school financing formula is all set to take over the old one which had its biases towards poorer urban districts.

    Various complaints were being received by authorities regarding the financing of the institutions. Earlier, it was seen that about 31 odd of the Abbot District schools received unduly heavy concentration of funding and about 584 plus schools from other districts were left in denial. This two-tiered system was always a controversial issue.

    A new formula was built which had a more balanced approach. Funds were stated to be divided proportionally among the district schools along with considerations based on the characteristics of the students attending, language ability, family incomes and other such academic requirements.

    The new formula was built by teachers and educationists who have proven their mettle in the education industry. Unlike what happened earlier, supplement money from now on wouldn’t be transferred to Abbott district schools as was stated in lawsuit of Abbott vs. Burke. New workings would involve full financing and review after three years of working to gauge its success.

    It is a bold step to initiate equality amongst the educational opportunities being provided to students across the country. There would be no favorites to provide a biased funding towards any particular district. But obviously, one cannot please everyone. Abbott district schools and parents of wards in those schools feel cheated and consider this a major setback.

    However, the new financial setup is for the good in long run. Minor hassles can be looked aside for a better future and an equal opportunity of education for everyone.


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Sunday, Jun 21, 2009 11:46 PM

this can help
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(Post #2)

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