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  • Education in a limbo…
  • Posted By:
  • Tom A.
  • Posted On:
  • 09-Jun-2010
  • Many of us are quietly questioning the fact that whether or not the cuts in the education sphere are going to help our current generation or not? Frankly most parents are now worried. While education is getting expensive, states across America are facing cuts where the budgets for schools and universities are concerned.

    Most of them are looking at cutting down the staff members and this holds true particularly in the case of the teaching staff members. parents are getting more and more worried that their kids will have to sit in classes that will packed with students and not in classes where there were fewer students and the teachers could give them a little bit more attention. Students too, on their part cannot do much. This is one of the reasons why private schools are now thriving and the public schools are suffering.

    Private schools are still being held as being better than the public schools. This is because they are still charging a higher fee while the public schools cannot do so. This means that the private schools have more funds at their disposal while the public ones have to wait for funds from the government. And when parents pay higher fees, they demand that their children get the extra attention they deserve at school and therefore, private schools can still hire more teachers.

    The public schools on the other hand, are facing cuts in other ways too. Not only do they have to cut down on the teaching staff members, but they are facing lesser enrolments as well. This is because most parents do not mind paying through their nose to ensure their kids get so-called better education at the private schools rather than the public schools.

    Schools on the whole are the worst hit. Universities that have a name, still find students each year and they have to turn many as well as they keep raising their standards. But the public schools are in a major rut. They cannot even seek private funds.

    Education on the whole, due to such problems is being diluted. Why diluted? This is because now there will be a vast distinction between students who attend the private schools and the ones who attend the private schools. Does the private school education give the student an edge over the public school? Maybe not. Yet, this will be drilled into the minds of the young kids. Plus the pressure of paying more will be reflected in the parent’s expectation of the child. Because the fees are high and the parents are really struggling to pay a lot more, they will want their kids to do the best, no matter what. This is an added pressure.

    Yet, there is no guarantee, which school offers better education. It could be that the older sets of teachers in public schools are very good and hence, they impart the best values to the students. Education is just not limited to classroom studies. It does go beyond but given the troubled times, it is stuck in a limbo.


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