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  • Students Shoulder Huge Burden of Educational Loans Through Their Lives
  • Posted By:
  • Tom A.
  • Posted On:
  • 16-Jun-2010
  • Getting a college degree is important but not an easy task. Firstly, one has to make sure their grades are all in place else they will lose out on the best colleges. Secondly, college education is very expensive.

    Students who want to get higher education go in for loans to pay their university and tuition fees. But there is a glitch here. The students take loan to pay their college fees which is good but then they have to really struggle hard to pay back these loans. Students, who have already taken huge amounts of money as loan, work very hard; take up various jobs to keep paying the loan.

    The loans become a huge burden to the students. It so happens that to continue to pay the fees of the universities and to support themselves, they have to take additional loans. This just adds up the amount. Parents on their part take emotional decisions for their bright children and they end up mortgaging their homes most of the times.

    Once the students pass out of college and get into jobs, they are still not able to pay the loans. This is because the interest on these loans have already risen two folds. However much they earn, the students have to continue paying for these loans for years to come. The problem is, even if someone files for bankruptcy they cannot shake off this loan amount as the law does not recognise educational loan.

    So if it is going to be such a mess getting a college degree, what is the point of getting one? Many parents have raised their voices against this practice but then getting their child a college degree is also important. The parents and other authorities had blamed the education department stating that the department was not taking enough measures.

    But recently the education department had come to a decision but they are not going public with it. They have delayed the rules for the profit-colleges. They do realise that what the colleges are doing is wrong. A spokesperson from the education department stated that they cared for the children and their future. They realised that the colleges who led the students to money lenders without even checking up on their financial background are committing a big mistake. They should send the kids for counselling and ask them to take the right measures where a college degree is concerned.

    However, the department is not in unison when it comes to the complete rule which they are still holding off. This means that they agree on some points and some points are not agreeable upon by the members on the department. This means everyone is stuck in limbo.

    Where decisions’ regarding the education system is concerned, there should quick solutions as the admissions for next year’s universities and colleges will begin soon and again, some student might end up taking loan they cannot pay back. If the rule is passed in the favour of the students, it will come as relief to scores of parents and students.


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