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  • What is the extent of reality in the online world?
  • Posted By:
  • Tom A.
  • Posted On:
  • 24-Jun-2010
  • Education is an integral part of our development and today education extends to a college or a post graduate degree if you really want to move ahead in life. This is in fact one of the most important requirements in the job market.

    Acquiring a degree is a tough job. This is because firstly you need to plan in a right manner which means, you need to have your scores in place, all your grades should be good and finally all the required financials should be approved of and paid on time. Yeah, college and university degrees are expensive.

    Today the entire world is going virtual i.e. everyone is going online. People meet their future spouses’ online; get work online and so on. So maybe getting a virtual degree is not a bad idea right? And that too at the cost of someone else? What am I talking about? This is the interesting part.

    A website lets call it X, claims to sponsor your degree. In the broader sense, they say that if you cannot afford your degree in the real world, sign up and we will help you get a degree online and you will not have to pay anything for it because someone is going to sponsor the fees for you.

    While many students would fall for it immediately, one cannot help but doubt the system this website is operating upon. For example, the profiles of students do not clearly state which courses they have taken up and how much they are paying.

    Some just claim that they are enrolled in an insanely expensive course and thanks to the website and the donor they are able to afford the wonderful course. Okay, so there are donors out there who are really so generous that they want to pay for students courses.

    Great work, but the anonymous donor does not want to extend the generosity in real life for a real college degree? No clue because the donor is of course anonymous.
    Funny, but funnier is one of the student’s profile which reads as hard working, meticulous, curious and a virgin. When was being a virgin a required virtue for acquiring a college degree?

    Maybe it is a requirement on this website. And to put the cherry on the cake’s icing, the students are really happy with the degree they earn here but they never talk about paying the donors back. Okay they do not have to pay the donors but then they can always contribute something to this great website, right? Well, there is no sign of that either.

    This leaves us with a question; how authentic is the online world? There are so many websites out there, so whom do we trust? Many have been fleeced in the past by small universities in different parts of the world that claimed to have been tied up with famous universities to offer online degrees for people who are interested. Those who were interested lost hundreds of dollars enrolling for universities that of course did not exist.


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