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  • Time for the public to wake up and contribute towards higher education success
  • Posted By:
  • Tom A.
  • Posted On:
  • 18-May-2011
  • Apart from the fact that they do make money, how exactly are college presidents different from us? Pew Research Center says that this is evident with the poll results released recently that found 46 percent of public saying college does not offer good value as compared to 76 percent of college presidents who seem to think they do offer good value for money spent.

    78 percent of public are worried about college affordability as compared to only 58 percent of presidents. This significant discrepancy in views could be attributed to income differences too. When asked who should fund the child’s education, at least sixty three percent of presidents said families must pay the major portion of college costs.

    When the same question was put to the public, only forty eight percent of them agreed with this. The remainder of them felt that federal and state governments as well as private endowments must sponsor students.

    There are interesting disparities in opinions related to value and direction of education and the difference it makes in a college graduate’s life. On whether the objective of higher education is to help students grow intellectually and personally or to equip them with job skills, there was divided opinion among the public. Among the public, though affordability is an issue, those with a degree feel they benefit from it.

    The degree however ranks below other aspects in people’s opinion like work ethics, work skills and people skills. At 77 percent, college education ranks fourth. 53 percent parents are saving towards sending their children to college while 93 percent of them think college education is a must for children.

    College presidents are not very sanguine about the future of higher education while public think education is a must. People are still optimistic about our education with at least seventy percent of them thinking that US higher education is the best in the world. 53 percent think that in ten years time, this will not be the case.

    Students study lesser than what they did ten years ago say fifty two percent of them and thirty eight percent say that our education system is not on the right track. Sixty four percent people strongly believe that the ambitious 2020 goal of our president that US will have the highest number of young people with college degrees is not achievable. Students are not prepared by schools as well as they were ten years ago say 58 percent of them.

    This study is very important as it reveals the attitude of college presidents and the public. While college presidents are in a much more realistic position to see various obstacles and bumps ahead, public is over complacent regarding the role played by higher education in the success of children.

    If we have to avoid taking the wrong track predicted by college presidents, it is time to take more interest in the school and college issues. It is time to instill in ourselves and our children a good work ethic and start saving towards their future.


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