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Top 10 Study Habits of a Student
For most college students, studying is one of the hardest parts of school. There are so many distractions and more important things to do than waste the evenings....

Understanding Work Study Programs
If you are like most students, then you are strapped for cash. The cost of college is constantly on the rise with tuition, books and room and board getting more....

Can Science And Religion Co-Exist?
One of the main aims of college education is to help students develop an independent and thinking mind. To achieve this objective, colleges organize seminars, lectures....

Jamie W
Problem Of Violence In The College Campus
Violence in the college campus is probably the greatest evil of college life. There are endless incidents of robberies, ragging, bullying, gang fights and even shootings,....

Jamie W
Is There A Better Time To Start Off Your Career Than Now?
The new college graduates hiring rate is predicted to fall by 22 per cent for the class of 2009. The fall in hiring rates was expected to be relatively flat. Employers....

David B.
Look For Hidden Opportunities To Get A Job
People with college degrees are finding it very hard to get suitable jobs due to the recession. Make Use Of Your Contacts You must be persistent with your....

David B.
Campus Interview For Academic Jobs
A Campus interview for an academic job is a long process that involves interview with head of the department, interview with team of professors, teaching to undergraduate....

David B.
Starting Early For A Greener Tomorrow
The future looks bleak to some and green to others. If you are a part of your college’s green campus program, you will understand what it means here. The....

David B.
Why Your Time Management Skills Can Speak A Lot About You
Your time management skills can be your best spokesperson. It reveals a lot about your personality and goals. It answers the simple fact as to why you are where....

College Preparation and Tests
Getting ready to go to college involves much more than just shopping for school clothes like you did when you were younger. Wouldn't it be nice if that were all....


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