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Prepare students for higher education by developing sustainable assessment metrics
One of the areas that must be focused upon while developing metrics and models of federal higher education rating is the role played by this field in preparing students....

The American student continues to be plagued by debt
Many a student come filled with a lot of emotions, dreams and aspirations. They step into the college premises accompanied by their loving families hoping to eventually....

Obama's higher education rating system - will it work?
There is heated argument all around since our President introduced the college rating system. The administration opines that it is imperative to have such a rating....

Tuition-free education – is this the only solution?
One of the most popular topics doing the round now is the impact free tuition will have on the student debt situation. Students now face a tough situation where....

Higher education tax breaks – should they be abolished?
Ask any parent today and they will tell you how colleges are hideously expensive and completely unaffordable. At some of the most prestigious colleges, students....

Jamie K
Relevance of community engagement in higher education
Today there is immense pressure on all to reduce college cost and make our education as relevant as possible. When it comes to justifying relevance, we are often....

Transforming role of businesses in higher education
At the University of South Florida, there is an ongoing mission to create a master’s degree curriculum in cyber security. A team of ten faculty experts have....

Can no-fee degrees actually become a fiscal reality?
Contrary to what is happening in many countries across the world, certain states in US are a part of a movement that calls for free university studies. Rather than....

Give students enhanced access to higher education says Jeff Denham
Reflecting the opinion of thousands of affordable higher education advocates across the country, Jeff Denham, the US representative voiced his support for the four....

Jamie K
University Presidents express concern over Obama’s College Grading System
There is a lot of scepticism among university presidents that their campuses may enjoy limited accessibility and become less diverse if our President’s college....


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