Missouri Tech’s mission is to develop students into successful individuals with first-rate technical skills. Our philosophy emphasizes that success comes to those proficient in each of the 5-A’s: Academics, Appearance, Ambition, Attitude and Attendance. Academic success translates into competency, an obvious success factor. An individual with self-confidence, regardless of looks, will present a commanding and convincing Appearance, another success factor. To succeed, one must overcome obstacles and the energy and enthusiasm to do so derives from Ambition. The “can do” Attitude has always been in demand and feeds both Ambition and Appearance. Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying “Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day” and so we emphasize Attendance, the source of these small advantages, as a key success factor. Our overall approach is to teach the basics of theory combined with practical experience and social experience through industry user group and association meetings. This provides students with the ability to analyze systems and solve problems and to see the application of their studies in the workplace. Our mission is to reach out to our community and give anyone with an interest and aptitude in engineering technology the tools for success and an opportunity to build their technical knowledge and skills and career.
Admission information :
Admission Office Phone: (314) 569-3600
Admission / Applications ratio (2006): 92%
Admission Considerations:
Secondary school record (Required), Formal demonstration of competencies (Required), Admission test scores (Recommended), Other Test (Wonderlic WISC-III etc.) (Required)