Drexel's accredited online degree programs are designed for professionals who want to complete or advance their education at an online college without compromising quality. Drexel University's online degree programs – master's degrees, bachelor's degrees, and certificate programs – offer the same accredited curricula as their on-campus equivalents and are competitive with other colleges, online and traditional.
Founded in 1891 and offering online degrees since 1996, Drexel University has become renowned for innovative, Internet-based distance education programs for working professionals and corporations in the United States and abroad. Earn the same, respected Drexel degree as you would campus.
Admission Considerations:
Secondary school GPA (Required), Secondary school rank (Recommended), Secondary school record (Required), Completion of college-prepatory program (Recommended), Recommendations (Recommended), Formal demonstration of competencies (Recommended), Admission test scores (Required), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) (Required)
Test Scores (2006) :
25th Percentile
75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading
SAT Math
SAT Writing
ACT Composite
ACT English
ACT Math
25th Percentile = 25% of students scored at or below
75th Percentile = 25% of students scored above
Financial Aid Information:
Financial Aid Office Phone: (215) 895-1628
Percentage of students receiving any financial aid: 97%
Average amount of types of financial aid received from:
Federal Grants: $3,042
State/Local Grants: $3,928
Institutional Grants: $14,877
Student Loans: $12,822