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Campus Resource : University Services
Daytona State College Assessment Center
Daytona State College Assessment Services Assessment Services administers required exams for placement through completion of Daytona State College programs. Assessment Services also offers exams....
Daytona State College Career Services
The Career Services mission is to actively empower Daytona State students to meet the challenges of attaining their educational goals from basic literacy through the baccalaureate degree by providing professional....
Daytona State College Student Success Services
hat is Student Development? Our division is called Student Development instead of Student Services because it is our hope that we provide you experiences that encourage you to remain a life-long learner.....
Daytona State College Business Services
Business Services is a multi-faceted department that encompasses Purchasing, Central Receiving, Copy Center, Mail & Shipping, Property Management, Travel Coordination, and Auxiliary Services (Bookstore,....
Daytona State College Human Resources
Daytona State College pledges nondiscrimination, equal access, equal educational opportunity and equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age,....
Defiance College Student Life Division
The Division of Student Life, as an integral part of the Defiance College Community and dedicated to its covenant, nurturing the whole person, seeks to foster team relationships among faculty, staff, students,....
Definance College Career Development
Career Development Office The Office of Career Development is a career counseling and resource center that encourages students and alumni to be active participants in discovering career possibilities....
Definance College Tutoring Services
What can you expect when you visit the Academic Resource Center? Our Tutors and Writing Consultants WILL... Create and maintain a respectful, supportive and constructive learning environment, ....
Definance College Writing Consultation Center
Our Tutors and Writing Consultants WILL... Create and maintain a respectful, supportive and constructive learning environment, Ask you questions about the project or academic subject you....
Definance College Health Center
Health Center The mission of the Defiance College Health Center is two-fold: 1) To provide quality medical care to allow students to perform optimally, physically and mentally, to achieve their academic....
Definance College Counseling Center
Counseling Services Health Center Counseling services are provided by either a state licensed psychologist or a practicum student pursuing state licensure. Sessions are available daily or by appointment. For....
Definance College Compuer Services
Computer Services provides technical support for the entire Defiance College campus community.  We help resolve issues dealing with connectivity, networking, and security for current Defiance College....
Delaware State University Career Services
Career Services is excited to have the opportunity to assist you in realizing your full potential, interests, abilities, and academic experiences. Such a realization is essential in the process of selecting....
Delaware State University Counseling Services
Director’s Message Our mission, under the auspices of the Office of Student and Academic Support, is designed to help students to meet their personal, social, and academic needs. Counselors are....
Delaware State University Health Services
The Student Health Center offers health care to all full-time residential and commuter undergraduate students (12 credit hours or more) and full-time residential graduate students (6 credit hours....
Delaware State University Center for Teaching and Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning has as its principal mission the improvement of teaching and learning across all disciplines. The Center creates opportunities for university faculty to strengthen....
Delta State University Service Learning
Service Learning Service Learning is experiential learning first popularized in the 1990s. It embodies the ancient Confucian axiom, “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember,....
Delta State University Human Resources Dept
Human Resource Department The mission of the Human Resources Department is to formulate human resource policies and programs that enhance the quality of academic and administrative work environments;....
Delta State University Job Opportunity
Thank you for your interest in employment at Delta State University. Please complete all pages of the DSU Employment Application and attach a resume if desired.  The applicant is responsible....
Delta State University Student Business Services
Student Business Services Window Hours.................................................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (including the noon lunch hour) Student Business Services (SBS) strives to....

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