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  • Ethnic Studies Schools in Arizona Feel Government is Interfering
  • Posted By:
  • Chris J
  • Posted On:
  • 18-May-2010
  • What is individualism? The United States of America is one of the biggest democracies in the world and yet, the citizen’s individualism is questioned. Recently the Arizona government passed a law that Ethnic studies in schools were going to be stopped. Why? Because they thought these studies in many ways seed the young minds with the feeling of propaganda.

    While many parents agree with this though, the schools in Arizona which conducted ethnic studies for their students believe the government to be interfering with their individualism. The law which was signed last Tuesday, states that such courses spread resentment amongst students belonging to a particular race. So if the schools continue to offer these courses they would lose out on funding from the government. And if the schools still act against the government, it would mean that they will be left with 10 percent less funds and government backing.

    But the government spokesperson begs to differ. They stated that such a bill was passed because the governor of Arizona believed that by carrying out and conducting ethnic studies, the schools were creating a rift between the children by segregating them into regular study classes and ethnic study classes. The government believes that every child should be treated as an individual and the child him/herself should have the right to choose where he/she belongs.

    But the schools remain undeterred. They feel that the government is uninformed as these classes are conducted from the study point of view only and not spreading any feeling of propaganda. The schools further stated that the students looked forward to their ethnic study classes as they could relate to it much more easily than the others. They believe these classes are valuable to the students.

    Education in any form is great but as long as the purpose of education remains the same; that is to help the students progress further in life and value knowledge. It should not by any means become propaganda.

    It is through education one learns the value of hard work and the value of things around them. They learn to value themselves and other people around them. It brings a sense of civilisation into them. Students also need to be exposed to their own culture.
    One cannot expect a Mexican-American kid to value the culture of Mexico, if he/she has never been exposed to it. It would be wrong on people’s part to assume so in the first place. A child’s mind can be moulded and parents, along with the teachers and mentors in schools should work towards mould the precious minds with good values and inculcate a sense of value.

    We live in a society that has people from all races. Through education we can learn to tolerate all races and cultures. Learning about them would make us respect them. It is very important that something like this happens from a very young age. The younger the mind, easier it is to mould it. Education is the key to individualism and success in life.


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