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Ills of extra credits….
What options do students who fail to make it to the next year have? No many. We know this. But the schools in New York were offering such students....

Math education in high school
Math is not a very popular subject and well, only a few like it. There was time when students sat dedicatedly in their classrooms, grasping every sum solved or explained....

Girl Power in Teaching
The first time women started teaching in colleges, they either took art classes or finesse classes. That is they taught how to be artistic and maintain the right....

Peter J.
A whole new social network for elearning
What is life without social networking? Nothing. Well if you don’t have a social networking account, you have no stand. You are considered to be old school.....

Jamie K
Gaming to learn: the Web 2.0 learning experience
Video games were regarded as one of the evils that plagued our children. They made the kids go awry and miss school homework and studies. They were violent and stupid.....

Jamie K
Making the most of the web - eLearning 2.0
The potential of the computers hit us when we got Internet. The Web 2.0 has brought in a world of change within our life styles. Hundreds of things have been said....

Jan R
Losing the essence of education
Higher education first faced a threat from the after school coaching classes and tuitions. Students thought it was ok to bunk school and attend classes instead.....

Jan R
Teaching on the web with Web 2.0 tools
With the advent of computers, the virtual web has taken over the world. It has permeated into every nook and cranny of the world. Hence schools are not far behind.....

Jan R
Teaching children behind the closed doors of their homes
Home schooling was an attractive option for parents but now has become a trend. Many parents are opting for home school options for their children instead of sending....

Taking away the knowledge bank
Everyone looks forward to their retirement plans but the teachers across USA are in for a bit of a shock. Retirement plans and funds are now being frozen by the....

Grace W
Be home schooling or not
The trend of home schooling is on the rise. More and more parents are opting to home school their children instead of sending them to regular schools.  A....

Jamie K
Help one teach one…
A school in Illinois, has come up with an interactive idea of getting kids to read in pairs. It is called the Reading Buddies program. This program was established....

Kindergarten at New York University
Recently I read an article in the New York Times which stated that The New York University is making efforts to offer the residents of the Greenwich Village an olive....

Obama's New Education Plan
President Obama has designated over $5 billion to improve the education of children in the United States. Under the program, “No Child Left....

Is Our Education System Improving?
Obama is holding onto the thread of improvement and of transparency when speaking about the education system since he took office. President Obama....

Obama is worried about Education
It appears that Obama is worried about education a great deal lately. He was speaking to a group of parents in Missouri this past week and he referenced that he....

Jan R
If Gordon Ramsay was Your Professor!
So often today, children and older students are coddled into thinking that anything that they say or anything they do is worth a pat on the back. We have got to....

Jan R
Top 10 Study Habits of a Student
For most college students, studying is one of the hardest parts of school. There are so many distractions and more important things to do than waste the evenings....

Online Education Vs. Campus Education - Is One Better Than The Other?
Over the last decade or so, there has been an increase in the preference for online education over the traditional campus based education, which used to be the....

H W.

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