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Major issues will be discussed at the White House Community College Summit
In order to try and achieve President Obama’s goal of leading the world in the field of higher education by the year 2020, policy, White House will see prominent....

Make the entire higher education sphere accountable for quality of education
Addressing and tackling a sensitive topic in Washington, our education secretary Arne Duncan broke the ice in Washington to make it clear that higher education schools....

For-Profit Institutions offer Enhanced Higher Education Access to Minorities and Low Income Students
This week the focus of our President is entirely on higher education. There is widespread criticism on the extent of assistance offered by the government to for....

STEM career is not for everyone
Advice of experienced career specialists is taken for knowing about how the choice of courses in high school or college affects your career chances. Ann Emerson....

Teachers Union in L.A. to Fight Decision to Halt Layoffs
Lo and behold! Guess who opposes the landmark agreement in disadvantaged schools in Los Angeles to stop teacher layoffs? It is none other than the local teachers....

Jamie K
Tax break for students to motivate them to choose four year university education
The Obama administration extended tax breaks for students benefiting from stimulus package last year. The President made this announcement on Wednesday arguing that....

Education budget cut detrimental to national interest says Obama
President Barack Obama has warned the Republican Party that has been pushing for a budget cut in education that any such move will seriously impact the interest....

Are higher education subsidies wasted?
Billions of dollars have been wasted by both the State and Federal governments by way of student subsidies. Most who received subsidy dropped out right before the....

Devise innovative methods to cut costs, President tells students
College students face the constant issue of rising tuition fees. This issue is effectively being used by President Obama to rope in youth vote, with the mid-term....

Save dollars by renting textbooks
Ask any college student and he will tell you how many dollars are being spent on classroom textbooks most of which they use only for four months or so. This is a....

Jamie K

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