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Making the most of the web - eLearning 2.0
The potential of the computers hit us when we got Internet. The Web 2.0 has brought in a world of change within our life styles. Hundreds of things have been said....

Jan R
Islamic schools face objection
You and I have heard of racial discrimination in different cultures, within our own and also in our country. But the following news does come as a shocker. In....

Jamie K
Gaming to learn: the Web 2.0 learning experience
Video games were regarded as one of the evils that plagued our children. They made the kids go awry and miss school homework and studies. They were violent and stupid.....

Jamie K
Trouble brews for Islamic schools
You and I have heard of racial discrimination in different cultures, within our own and also in our country. But the following news does come as a shocker. In....

Jamie K
A whole new social network for elearning
What is life without social networking? Nothing. Well if you don’t have a social networking account, you have no stand. You are considered to be old school.....

Jamie K
Culture Clash in Academia?
Racism has been relevant in various cultures across the globe. It is not limited to only different cultures but also people belonging the same culture. Racism....

Math education in high school
Math is not a very popular subject and well, only a few like it. There was time when students sat dedicatedly in their classrooms, grasping every sum solved or explained....

The new meaning of elearning with Web 2.0
With the advent of the web 2.0 technology in 2004, a term coined so as to provide a platform to people where they can make use the web tools to enhance and improve....

Why double-majors might beat you out of a job
Matthew J. Mayhew, The Ohio State University and Benjamin S. Selznick, James Madison University Two college majors are better than one. That is the conclusion....

Why double-majors might beat you out of a job
Matthew J. Mayhew, The Ohio State University and Benjamin S. Selznick, James Madison University Two college majors are better than one. That is the conclusion....


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