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Personal Economic Success and College Education – Is There a Connection?
Last year, a deal was struck by the Congress to stop doubling of Stafford Loan interest rates from 3.4 to 6.8 per cent. This increase has been effectively stalled....

Graduate school considerations international students must remember
Enrolment of international students in American universities continues unabated despite the country’s issues such as rising higher education cost and the worrisome....

Adopt Shopping Sheet says Duncan to Colleges and Universities
Just a few days back, Shopping Sheet or the financial aid award letter model was unveiled by the Obama administration through the Department of Education. This was....

African-American education program launched by Obama
President Obama’s latest initiative is to give greater access to competitive education to African-American students throughout their lives. He spoke recently....

Jamie K
Alarming consequences of student loan default
The last decade has seen a six time increase of public college education cost over the inflation rate. As you look around, you will find many college graduates compromising....

Middle Class Health Depends Hugely On Our Community colleges
In our country, community colleges have always played a crucial role in supporting the middle class development. This system has been so powerful that other countries....

Research College for Safety Before You Send Your Children to Study in US
The number of international students enrolling in American universities continue to grow at a fast pace and parents now can ensure that their children are safe even....

One third of schools in our country financially unstable
As compared to just a few years back, many universities and colleges are now financially unstable. Our entire educational system is at the tipping point due to this.....

Online Education Set to Take Off with Elite Univetsities Joining the Fray
Many elite colleges such as Stanford, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have started offering free online courses and students from all over the....

Jamie K
It is now easier to get higher education federal financial aid information
A new website has been unveiled by our Department of Education to make the financial aid process much easier for students and their families. They can now work out....


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