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Boise University and Proper Decorum
According to a recent study at Boise University, very few of the professors of different programs thought that they needed to actually teach how to behave professionally.....

Jan R
Ivy League Schools are being Denied
What else could happen in this economic death spiral of an economy? Parents are being laid off in droves and savings are being ravaged to pay for bills and rent.....

Jamie K
University Extra Fees are Ridiculous
Instead of coming right out and saying this is the tuition and cost of attending your university of choice, many schools are making up for the risings costs and....

Jan R
Mental Health on Campus an Issue
It would seem that finally the officials are looking further into the mental health of students on university's campuses. Many students are coming to class with....

No Child Should Be Left Behind?
Contrary to popular opinion, some children are being left behind. Tenth graders cannot read nor write at the third grade level and they will be pushed....

Jamie K
Tenure is on the Off Ramp!
Two centuries ago, tenure became an institution at most universities and places of higher learning. It became so after certain professors began....

Jan R
Stephen Hawking Gave Us a Scare
The entire world had a bit of a wake-up call when esteemed scientist, Stephen Hawking, was rushed off to the hospital a few days ago. He is expected....

Face the Music Facebook!
So now it seems that if you communicate with your friends or go sneaking in the background on Facebook, your grades in school will drop by less than one grade point.....

Jan R
California wins the First Windfall for Education
Recently California received a whopping 3 billion dollars for all of its school and post secondary institutions from the Federal government. This money is a part....

Making the Transition to Graduate School
Congratulations! You’ve decided to further your undergraduate degree with a graduate degree, and now comes the schooling. Whatever you’ve decided to....

George M

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