Grad Schools:  

  Biological and Biomedical Sciences >> Microbiology

Grad School / Program:

  • Contact:
  • 2215 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building
    Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
    Michigan State University (MSU)
    East Lansing, MI 48824
    United States
    Phone: 517-432-2288

  • Degrees Granted:
  • Masters, Doctorate

  • Programs offered:
  • On-campus

  • Description:
  • The goal of the Microbiology & Molecular Genetics graduate program is to provide basic education in various core disciplines of modern biology and intensive training in specialty areas relative to a student's research interests. This is achieved through a program of formal coursework, seminars, and, most importantly, original and creative research. In addition, students are given the opportunity to master written and oral preparation skills relevant to their future careers. Following completion of the doctoral degree, most graduates initially enter postdoctoral research programs, followed by careers in academia, industry, research labs and other research-related venues.

    Our graduate program centers on the Doctor of Philosophy degree. The department also offers joint Ph.D.-professional school programs for students wishing to combine medical and basic research interests. The Master of Science degree is also offered for students in the Professional M.S. in Industrial Microbiology or B.S./M.S. programs. Students may enter the Ph.D. program either immediately following a B.S. degree or after completion of an M.S. degree. Descriptions of our degree programs can be found on our Graduate Degrees page.

    Graduate education is coordinated by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). The DGS provides guidance in initial enrollment, choice of laboratory rotations and counsels students about their education and future careers. Once students select a faculty mentor ("major professor"), they will be guided by both that professor, the DGS, and a committee composed of three to five additional faculty.

  • Financial Aids:
  • All graduate students admitted to the doctoral program are awarded research stipends in the forms of assistantships, traineeships, fellowships, and minority-assistance programs. In addition, students are provided tuition waivers that cover all the required coursework, and a prepaid healthcare insurance program. There are no assistantships restricted to teaching; rather all students participate in teaching as part of their educational training. Students who remain in good standing receive support throughout their graduate career from a combination of grants, teaching assistantships, fellowships, and other university funds. Special additional fellowships awarded by the department can be viewed at the Awards and Fellowships page.

    Applicants for the Fall semester should have all of their application materials submitted to the department by January to be in the best position to compete for admission. Outstanding students are encouraged to compete for National Science Foundation and Howard Hughes Pre-doctoral Fellowships.

  • Additional Information:
  • Degree Programs:
    - Ph.D. Program in Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
    - Joint Ph.D.-Professional Degree Programs
    - Dual Major Ph.D. Graduate Programs involving Microbiology
    - Professional M.S. in Industrial Microbiology
    - Master of Science in Microbiology
    - Five-year combined B.S./M.S. Program in Microbiology

  • Grad Program Website:

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