Grad Schools:  

  Health >> Nursing - General

Grad School / Program:

  • Nursing - Doctoral Program

  • Contact:
  • A117 Life Sciences Building
    The College of Nursing
    Michigan State University (MSU)
    East Lansing, MI 48824
    United States
    Phone: 517-353-4827

  • Degrees Granted:
  • Doctorate

  • Programs offered:
  • On-campus
  • Sponsored Links

  • Description:
  • The Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing program prepares nurse scientists with the skills to conduct the research necessary to improve the health status of individuals and families within our state, our nation and the world.

    This program is designed to prepare clinical nurse scientists to assume professional roles in academic and research settings with the purpose of engaging in a life of scholarly inquiry. Faculty programs of research are important to doctoral student study. Faculty in the College of Nursing at Michigan State University have two major areas of research: chronic conditions, and healthy families and populations. Faculty seek external funding to support their programs of research. Funding sources include National Institutes of Health, USDA and Oncology Nursing Foundation. Students often work with faculty on these research studies to acquire the research skills necessary to become clinical nurse scientists.

    Research at Michigan State University is an integral part of the academic climate. Students are paired with a major professor and guidance committee to help them develop their own beginning program of research. With the appropriate guidance, students are required to publish papers and submit research grants throughout the program.

  • Admission Information:
  • Admission Criteria:
    In addition to meeting the requirements of the University as described in the Graduate Education section of the academic programs catalog, students must meet the requirements specified below:

    1. Submission of a University application for admission.
    2. Grade-point average of at least 3.00 for all previous academic work.
    3. Graduate Record Examination Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical sections completed within last five years.
    4. Master’s degree in nursing is recommended; however, admission to the program without a Master’s degree in nursing will require additional course work as specified by the College of Nursing.
    5. Submission of a college application, three references from academic or employment sources and a curriculum vita.
    6. Personal interview with faculty.

  • Grad Program Website:

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