
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering and Design >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


In this course, the calendar serves as the primary method for navigating the course materials.

All homework assignments are due the next class day after they are assigned.
1Introduction: What is Engineering?Chapter 1, History of FlightHW: Beginning-Of-Term
Questionnaire (PDF)
The Scale of the Things
Chapter 2, Intro. to Engineering
Chapter 12, LTA Vehicle Design, pp. 283-287.
Decavitator Design Process
HW 1: Chapters 1, 2, and 12 (PDF)
3AerodynamicsChapter 3, Aerodynamics
EOI: Airships, EOI: Heavier Than Air
4Aerodynamics/PerformanceChapter 4, Aircraft PerformanceHW 2: Aerodynamics (PDF)
5Aircraft PerformanceChapter 12, LTA Vehicle Design, pp. 287-300HW 3: Performance (PDF)
6Design Drawing StructuresChapter 5, Intro. to StructuresRocket Design Laboratory (PDF)
Rocket Stability
Rocket Engine
7Lighter-Than-Air Vehicle (PDF)
Human-Powered Flight
Decavitator: Human-Powered Hydrofoil
Daedalus: Human-Powered Aircraft
Paper Airplane Flights

EOI: Human-Powered Flight
Prepare for Delta Design Exercise

Delta Design Exercise
9Delta Design ExerciseEOI: Lighter Than Air
10Propulsion/ElectronicsChapter 6, Aircraft Propulsion
11Stability and ControlChapter 7, Intro. to Stability and ControlRocket Flight/Launches
HW 4: Structures
12Design Day (LTA Design Kits handed out)Chapter 12, LTA Vehicle Design, pp.301-312Rocket Laboratory Due
Design Review (PDR)
PDR Template and Example on CD-ROMPreliminary Design Review: Due
14Ethics in EngineeringChallenger Case Study
the Space Environment
Chapter 8, The Space Environment
16Personal Design Portfolio DayPDP Template
PDP Examples on CD-ROM
17Orbital MechanicsMachine Tools
18Satellite DesignChapter 10, Satellite Systems Engineering
19Design DayTA Shop Schedule
Design Review (CDR)
CDR Example on CD-ROMCompleted Design Review: Due
21Extravehicular Activity
Chapter 11, Human Space Exploration
Space Team Online
Personal Design Portfolio: Due
22Design DayTA Shop Schedule
23LTA Vehicle Race Trials
24Space Flight Experiments
and Robotics
Personal Design Portfolio Redo
25LTA Vehicle Race DayEnd of Term Questionnaire
26LTA Vehicle Awards Course Wrap-UpMandatory AttendanceEnd-Of-Term Questionnaire
Course Evaluation



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