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1Course Introduction; What is Systems Engineering?Argyris, Chris. "Teaching Smart People How to Learn." Harvard Business Review (May-June 1991): 3-16.

Amazon logo Schön, Donald A. Notes from The Reflective Practitioner. Ashgate Publishing, 1994. ISBN: 1-85742-319-4.
2INCOSE Model of SE; RCI Model of SE

RCI Systems Engineering Process
Clausing, Don, Elliot Axelband, and R. B. Campbell. "Advances in Commercial Product Development Lessons for INCOSE Systems Engineering." INCOSE INSIGHT (Fall 1999): 50-53.

International Council on Systems Engineering. "Systems Engineering Overview." Chapter 2 in INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. Version 2a. June 2004. pp. 19-29.

International Council on Systems Engineering. "Systems Engineering Overview." Chapter 4 in INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. Version 2a. June 2004. pp. 27-34.
3Lean Thinking; Set-Based DesignStanke, Alexis, and Earll Murman. "A Framework for Achieving Lifecycle Value In Aerospace Product Development." 2002 International Council of Aeronautical Sciences Congress.

Ward, Allen, Jeffrey K. Liker, John J. Cristiano, and Durward K. Sobek II. "The Second Toyota Paradox: How Delaying Decisions Can Make Better Cars Faster." Sloan Management Review (Spring 1995): 43-61.

Amazon logo Womack, James P.. "Lean Thinking versus Muda." In Lean Thinking. New York: Free Press, 2003. pp. 15-28. ISBN: 0743249275.
4Axiomatic Design; Decision-Based Design; Summary of Frameworks PhaseHirschi, N. W., and D. D. Frey. "Cognition and Complexity: An Experiment on the Effect of Coupling in Parameter Design." Research in Engineering Design 13, no. 3 (2002): 123–131.

Gerd, Gigerenzer, and Peter M. Todd (corresponding author). "Bounding Rationality to the World." Journal of Economic Psychology 24 (2003): 143–165.

Hazerlrigg, G. A. "An Axiomatic Framework for Engineering Design." National Science Foundation. Journal of Mechanical Design 121 (September 1999): 342-347. 

Suh, Nam P. "Axiomatic Design Theory for Systems." Research in Engineering Design 10 (1998): 189–209.
5Exam 1Brooks, Jr., Frederick P. "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering." Computer Magazine (April 1987).
6Quality Function DeploymentHauser, John R., and Don Clausing. "The House of Quality." Harvard Business Review (May-June 1998): 63-73.

Griffin, Abbie. "Evaluating Development Processes: QFD As An Example." MSI Report Summary. Report no. 91-121.

Olewnik, Andrew T., and Kemper E. Lewis. "On Validating Design Decision Methodologies." Proceedings of ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2-6, 2003.
7Pugh Concept Selection; Controlled ConvergenceAmazon logo Pugh, Stuart. "Design Core: Conceptual Design." In Total Design. Addison-Wesley Longman: 1991. pp. 74-99. ISBN: 0-201-41639-5.
8Effective Innovation
9Critical Parameter Management and Error BudgetingAmazon logo Creveling, Clyde M., Jeffrey Lee Slutsky, and David Antis. "The Architecture of the Critical Parameter Management Process." In Design for Six Sigma in Technology and Product Development. Prentice Hall, 2002. pp. 257-263. ISBN: 0-13-009223-1.

Frey, Daniel D. "Error Budgeting."
10Design of ExperimentsBox, George E. P., and Patrick Y. T. Liu. "Statistics as a Catalyst to Learning by Scientific Method Part I—An Example." Journal of Quality Technology 31, no. 1 (January 1999): 1-15.

Box, George E. P. "Statistics as a Catalyst to Learning by Scientific Method Part II—A Discussion." Journal of Quality Technology 31, no. 1 (January 1999): 16-29.

Frey, Daniel D., Fredrik Engelhardt, and Edward M. Greitzer. "A Role for "One-Factor-At-A-Time" Experimentation in Parameter Design." Research in Engineering Design 14 (2003): 65–74.

Thomke, Stefan. "Enlightened Experimentation: The New Imperative for Innovation." Harvard Business Review (February 2001): 66-75.
11Design of Experiments (cont.)

deWeck, Olivier L., and Marshall B. Jones. "Isoperformance: Analysis and Design of Complexity Systems with Known or Desired Outcomes." INCOSE 2004 - 14th Annual International Symposium Proceedings, Toulouse, France, June 21-24, 2004.
12Physics Based ModelingHazelrigg, G. A. "On the Role and Use of Mathematical Models of Engineering Design." National Science Foundation. Journal of Mechanical Design 121 (September 1999): 336-341. Arlington, VA.

Senin, Nicola, David R. Wallace, and Nicolas Borland. "Distributed Object-Based Modeling in Design Simulation Marketplace." Journal of Mechanical Design 125 (March 2003): 2-13.
13Robust DesignTaguchi, Genichi, and Don Clausing. "Robust Quality." Harvard Business Review (January-February 1990): 64-75.

Ulrich, K. T., and S. D. Eppinger. "Robust Design." Chapter 13 in Product Design and Development. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
14Extreme ProgrammingBeck, Kent. "Embracing Change with Extreme Programming." IEEE Computer 32, no. 10 (October 1999): 70-77.

Williams, Laurie, Robert R. Kessler, Ward Cunningham, and Ron Jeffries. "Strengthening the Case for Pair Programming." IEEE Software (July-August 2000): 19-25.
15Exam 2
Case Studies
16Aircraft Engines (GE)

GE Transportation Aircraft Engines
17Work on Aircraft Engines Assignment

Project Oxygen
18NORAD Command and Control (Mitre)
19Tactical Tomahawk
20Course Summary; Feedback


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