
Integrating Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Technologies >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes


DH = Prof. Daniel Hastings
LM = Dr. Lawrence McCray
JB = Dr. Jason Black


KD = Kieran Downes
DF = Dietrich Falkenthal
AH = Angela Ho
SH = Shirley Hung
SL = Spencer Lewis
AM = Aleksandra Mozdzanowska
CN = Christine Ng

For lectures 6-11, files are presented courtesy of the student authors and used with permission.

Phase One

The Engineer's View

On the Power and the Limits of Analysis
2On Handling Messy ComplexityDH(PDF)
3The Engineering Mindset

Analysis of the Columbia Disaster
4Bureaucratic Politics

Some Powerful Dumb Ideas about Politics and Policymaking
5Technological Forecasting

Methods for Forecasting; Predictions for the Future; How have they Actually Worked?
JB with Prof. Chris MageeTechnology Assessment (PDF)
Technological Forecasting (PDF) (Courtesy of Prof. Chris Magee. Used with permission.)
Phase Two: Structured Case Presentations
6GPS for Selected ApplicationsExpert: DH
Presenters: AH, AM, CN
7Packet Switching for Data CommunicationExpert: Dave Clark
Presenters: SH, SL
8The MinicomputerExpert: Frank Field
Presenters: KD, DF
9Supersonic Transport (SST)Expert: David Mindell
Presenters: KD, SL, AM
10Seldane to AllegraExpert: Frank Douglas
Presenters: DF, CN
11The National Airspace SystemExpert: Dava Newman
Presenters: AH, SH
(PDF - 2.2 MB)
Phase Three
12Ubiquitous Computing: Analysis and Review of Collected Material from the Last YearFrank Field


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