
Technology Policy Negotiations and Dispute Resolution >> Content Detail

Study Materials


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Sections referred in the table below are from the main textbook: Amazon logo Lewicki, Roy, David Saunders, John Minton, and Bruce Barry. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises and Cases. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0072429658.

Modules are from the following textbook: Amazon logo Ancona, Deborah, Thomas Kochan, Maureen Scully, Eleanor Westney, and John VanMaanen. Managing for the Future: Organizational Behavior and Processes. 3rd ed. Mason, Ohio: South-Western College Pub., 2005. ISBN: 0324055757. (Written by Sloan School faculty members.)

A: Negotiations and Dispute Resolution - An Introduction
1IntroductionSection 1.1 - Weber. "How to Get Them to Show You the Money." p. 2.

Section 1.2 - Ury, Brett, and Goldberg. "Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes: Rights, Interests, and Power." p. 10.

Section 2.2 - Simons and Trip. "The Negotiation Checklist." p. 50.
2Strategic Negotiations and Interest-Based Bargaining PrinciplesSection 4.1 - Stepp, Sweeney, and Johnson. "Interest-Based Negotiations: An Engine Driving Change." p. 114.

Section 4.3 - Rubin. "Some Wise and Mistaken Assumptions about Conflict and Negotiation." p. 131.

Readings Distributed Separately

Amazon logo Walton, Richard E., Joel E. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, and Robert B. McKersie. Strategic Negotiations. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1994, Foreward and Chapter 3. ISBN: 0875845517.
3Dispute Resolution Systems and ADRSection 12.1 - Leritz. "Negotiating with Problem People." p. 418.

Section 13.1 - Lewicki, Hiam, and Olander. "When and How to Use Third-Party Help." p. 436.

Module 11 (from Managing for the Future text for Part I) - Managing Cultural Diversity: "Bystander Awareness." pp. 20-31.

Readings Distributed Separately

Background memo on Diversity Research Network

Rowe, Mary P., and Michael Baker. "Are You Hearing Enough Employee Concerns?" Harvard Business Review 62, no. 3 (May-June, 1984): 127-136. (Boston, MA.)
B: Core Concepts
4Five Phase Model* and Communication SkillsSection 5.1 - Neale and Bazerman. "Negotiating Rationally: The Power and impact of a Negotiator's Frame." p. 142.

Section 7.2 - Reitz, Wall, Jr., and Love. "Ethics in Negotiation: Oil and Water or Good Lubrication?" p. 230.

Readings Distributed Separately

Amazon logo Tufte, Edward R. The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 2003. ISBN: 0961392150.
5Information Exchange and FeedbackReadings Distributed Separately

Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. E. "Bargaining Over How to Bargain in Labor-Management Negotiations." Negotiation Journal 10 (1994): 323-335.
6Rules of the GamePreparation of Simulation Materials

Section 2.3 - Brandenburger and Nalebuff. "The Right Game: Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy." p. 64.

Section 6.1 - Pfeffer. "Where Does Power Come From?" p. 184.
C: Organizational and Policy Context
7Cross-Cultural NegotiationsSection 11.1 - Mayfield, Jacqueline, Milton Mayfield, Martin Drew, and Paul Herbig. "International Negotiations: An Entirely Different Animal." p. 340.

Section 11.2 - Salacuse. "Intercultural Negotiations in International Business." p. 355.
8Regional Economic Development and Public InvestmentPreparation of Simulation Materials

Section 10.1 - Tannen. "The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why." p. 316.
9Regional Economic Development and Public Investment (cont.)Preparation of Simulation Materials

Section 9.3 - Vanover. "Getting Things Done Through Coalitions." p. 308.
10Labor Markets - Recruitment/Job SearchModule 7 (from Managing for the Future text for Part I) - Workforce Management:

"Managing a Changing Workforce in Turbulent Times." p. 12.

"Building Competitive Advantage Through People." p. 29.

"The Case of the Part-Time Partner," and "The Part Time Partner Redux." p. 44.
D: Integration
11Negotiations/Dispute Resolution Systems Case StudiesNo readings are assigned for this class. Come prepared to present your case study findings.
12Negotiations/Dispute Resolution Systems Case Studies (cont.)No readings are assigned for this class. Come prepared to present your case study findings.
13Practitioner PanelSection 8.2 - Sheppard. "Negotiating in Long-Term Mutually Interdependent Relationships among Relative Equals." p. 281.

* 5 Phase Model: 1.0 Prepare, 2.0 Bargain Over How to Bargain, 3.0 Open and Explore, 4.0 Focus and Agree, 5.0 Implement and Sustain


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