
Advanced Topics: Plotting Terror in European Culture >> Content Detail



  1. On most days students shall submit brief written responses (150-200 words each) to the question on the reading assignment. Although these responses will not be graded, such individual preparation will enhance class discussions. Further, regular writing practice will prepare students for longer papers, both in this course and beyond. Of the 13 questions distributed over the course of the semester students may select 10 to which they would like to respond. Students shall account for their progress with this series by consecutively marking each text (i.e. 1/10, 2/10… ). No extensions shall be granted for these writing assignments.

    Courtesy toward others in discussions is expected.

  2. One of the primary goals of this course is the development and refinement of critical analysis and argument. To this end students will write three essays of increasing length. About two weeks before a given due date students must submit a brief outline of the essay they plan to write. Shortly thereafter they shall receive critical feedback. In finished essays any and all references must be cited. Essays must conform to MLA standards. A good guideline for word counts is this: 1 manuscript page = 250 words. The minimum amount of writing submitted for grades is 21 pages.

    Essays are due at noon on the dates indicated. Essays submitted late without prior permission from the instructor will be penalized by one full letter grade. Essays submitted more than one week will be penalized by two full letter grades. Always keep a printed copy of your essay.

    The first essay is a diagnostic exercise. Students are required to submit revised versions of this essay. For this assignment, only the revised essay will be graded.

Faculty will provide additional assignments.


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