
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing >> Content Detail



Special software is required to view some of the files in this section: .m, .mat, .gz, .dat, and .zip.

Lab Report Guidelines (PDF)

Many of the supporting MATLAB® files include contributions from the 2006 class TA Eric Weiss, and are presented here with permission.

Lab 0MATLAB® tutorial (PDF) (Courtesy of Michael Siracusa. Used with permission.)Self-test (ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 1 .txt file, and 1 .mat file.) (Courtesy of Courtney Lane. Used with permission.)Michael Siracusa
Lab 1The electrocardiogram (PDF)(ZIP - 1.4 MB) (The ZIP file contains: 12 .txt files, 11 .mat files and 1 .m file.)Dr. Julie Greenberg
Lab 2Speech coding (PDF)(ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 2 .mat files and 13 .m files.)Dr. Julie Greenberg
Lab 3Post processing brain MRI Images (PDF)(ZIP - 26.8 MB) (The ZIP file contains: supporting data files, 9 .m files and 2 .gz files.)Dr. John Fisher
Lab 4Registration of medical images (PDF)(ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 1 .mat file and 22 .m files.) (Image files courtesy of the project, "Retrospective Image Registration Evaluation," National Institutes of Health, 8R01EB002124-03, Principal Investigator, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.)Dr. William Wells
Lab 5Blind source separation (PDF)(ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 10 .dat files and 7 .m files.)Dr. Gari Clifford


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