
The Middle East in 20th Century >> Content Detail

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to the Middle East and Islamic
  • Cleveland. A History of the Modern Middle East. Pp. 1-58.
  • Muwaylihi. A Period of Time, trans. by Allen. Pp. 107-139, 155-163, 202-210, 231-379. (Start reading.)
  • Understand the diversity of the Middle East in terms of geography, religion, ethnicity, and economy.
  • Trace the origins of Islam and relate to the socio-economic conditions of the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Explain the five pillars of Islam.
  • Analyze the issues of succession and legitimacy with respect to Islamic leadership and relate to the origins of the Umayyad and Abbasid empires.
2The Ottoman Order and the Age of Imperialism
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 62-129.
  • Muwaylihi. A Period of Time. (Finish reading.)
  • Trace the origins of the Ottoman Empire and name its significant characteristics.
  • Compare and contrast early and 19th century Ottoman reform.
  • Compare and contrast world empires and world economies.
  • Trace the rise of European monarchies over the Ottoman Empire.
  • Define settler colonialism, commercial imperialism, and financial imperialism.
  • See handout for Muwaylihi's "Isá ibn Hisham" (in A Period of Time, trans. by Roger Allen).
  • Class 2: reaction paper #1 due (Eid al-Adha - Feast of the Sacrifice celebrated by Muslims).
  • Class 3: sign up for week to lead discussion; decide on book for presentation; secondary instructor's presentation on writing and effective communication.
3World War One and The End of Empire
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 130-140, 146-167.
  • Define nationalism.
  • Compare and contrast nationalism as it arises in Europe and the Middle East.
  • Define Islamic reformism.
  • Discuss Ottoman entrance into WWI.
  • Name the difficulties encountered by the Ottomans in WWI.
  • Evaluate the Arab Revolt, naming its key players.
  • Analyze the significance of the partition of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of protectorates.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #2 due (or Muwaylihi review due.)
4Iran and Turkey
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 140-145, 169-189.
  • Selections from The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics: A Documentary Record, edited by Hurewitz:
    • "Reuter Concession for the Imperial Bank of Persia" (1899)
    • "Concession of Tobacco Regie in Persia" (1890)
    • "Russian-Persian Railroad Agreement" (1890)
    • "The William Knox D'Arcy Oil Concession" (1901)
    • "Great Britain and Persia Agreement" (1919)
    • "The Turkish National Pact" (1920)
    • "Treaty of Friendship: Turkey and Russia" (1921)
  • Compare and contrast Iranian and Arab history from the 16th-19th centuries.
  • Analyze changes in Iranian Shiism in the post-Safavid era.
  • Discuss Iran as a battleground between the British and the Russians.
  • Evaluate the reign of Nasir al-Din Shah.
  • Analyze political upheaval in Iran between 1905 and 1911.
  • Evaluate the role of Reza Khan in bringing down the Qajar dynasty and consolidating his own power.
  • Describe conditions in Anatolia following WWI.
  • Compare and contrast the Treaty of Sevres and the Treaty of Lausanne.
  • Identify Mustafa Kemal and discuss his role in Turkish nationalist opposition.
  • Name the six principles that laid the foundation for Ataturk's rule and analyze how they were applied to the new Turkish state.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #3 due.
5The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Part I
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 233-264.
  • Schulze. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Pp. 1-22; documents 1-7 (pp. 97-105).
  • Kanafani. Palestine's Children: Returning to Haifa and Other Stories. Pp. 1-12, 149-198.
  • Trace the origins of Zionism.
  • Discuss the role of Theodor Herzl in political Zionism.
  • Review the conflicting promises made by the British to the French, the Sharif Hussein of Mecca, and to Lord Rothschild.
  • Describe the life, organizations, institutions, and leadership of both the Arab and Jewish communities in the Palestine mandate.
  • Discuss the role of immigration as a source of conflict in the Palestine mandate.
  • Evaluate the role of the British in administering the Palestine mandate.
  • Trace international efforts to resolve the building crisis.
  • Define revisionist Zionism.
  • Analyze the first Arab-Israeli war and the creation of the state of Israel.
  • See handout for Kanafani's Returning to Haifa.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #4 due.
6Egypt, Iraq, and Transjordan in the Interwar Period
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 190-211.
  • Mahfouz. Midaq Alley (all).
  • Discuss how Egypt differed from the other post-WWI Middle Eastern mandates.
  • Trace Egyptian independence from the 1919 Revolution to the 1936 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty.
  • Identify sources for leadership in Egypt in the post-WWI era.
  • Discuss social and intellectual currents in Egypt during the interwar period.
  • Trace the creation of the states of Transjordan and Iraq.
  • Identify sources for leadership in Transjordan and Iraq.
  • See handout for Mahfouz's Midaq Alley
  • Class 2: reaction paper #5 due (or Kanafani review due.)
7Syria and Lebanon in the Interwar Period
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 212-232.
  • Salibi. A House of Many Mansions. Chap. 1.
  • Daneshvar. Savushun: A Novel About Modern Iran. (Start reading.)
  • Compare and contrast British and French methods for administering mandates.
  • Trace the creation of the state of Syria.
  • Identify sources for leadership in mandate Syria.
  • Compare and contrast elite and popular visions of Syrian nationalism.
  • Understand continuity as it relates to Lebanese history.
  • Trace the origins of sectarian strife in 19th century Lebanon.
  • Analyze the creation of the Lebanese state.
  • Identify the National Pact and discuss its role in Lebanese political history.
  • Trace the origins of Saudi Arabia.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #6 due (or Mahfouz review due--last chance for book review from first set of choices).
8Turkey and Iran in the Post-WWII Era; Egyptian Revolution
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 265-300.
  • Daneshvar. Savushun. (Finish reading.)
  • Compare and contrast Turkey and Iran from the post-WWII era to 1970s.
  • Trace the social and economic origins of the Egyptian Revolution.
  • Discuss Nasser's consolidation of power.
  • Name the goals of the Egyptian revolution and identify their internal contradictions.
  • Discuss US foreign policy objectives in the Middle East following WWI and identify the role which Eisenhower and Dulles hoped Nasser would play.
  • See handout for Daneshvar's Savushun.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #7 due.
9The Middle East in the Age of Nasser
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 300-335.
  • Schulze. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Pp. 23-32; documents 8 and 9 (pp. 105-106).
  • Khalifeh. Wild Thorns. (start reading.)
  • Trace the development of the Suez Crisis, naming major players and events.
  • Evaluate the Eisenhower Doctrine through its (non)application in the Jordanian, Syrian, and Lebanese Crises of 1957-58.
  • See handout for film.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #8 due (or Daneshvar review due)
  • Class 3: Watch Nasser 56 (movie)
10The Arab-Israeli Conflict Part II
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 336-358.
  • Schulze. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Pp. 33-60; documents 10-15 (pp. 107-112).
  • Khalifeh. Wild Thorns. (Finish reading.)
  • Discuss the motives of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon following the 1949 cease-fire agreements.
  • Discuss the development of political institutions in Israel following statehood.
  • Compare and contrast the nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the 1950s and the 1960s.
  • Trace the origins of the 1967 June War and evaluate the responsibility of all key players.
  • Evaluate the repercussions of the 1967 War.
  • Identify the War of Attrition.
  • Analyze the significance of Black September.
  • See handout for Khalifeh's Wild Thorns.
  • Trace the origins of the 1973 October War.
  • Discuss the Kissinger approach to Middle Eastern diplomacy.
  • Evaluate the 1979 Camp David Accords.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #9 due.
11The Development of the Client State
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 359-409.
  • Schulze. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Pp. 61-70; documents 16-18 (pp. 112-114).
  • Ibrahim. The Committee (all).
  • Evaluate the significance of the 1967 defeat and Nasser's death to government and society in the Middle East in the 1970s and 80s.
  • Relate the political/economic conditions of the Middle East to the role of the superpowers therein from the 1950s-80s.
  • Relate political trends in the Middle East to cultural/intellectual trends.
  • Identify the phases of the Lebanese Civil War and describe their characteristics.
  • Name the major players, internal and external, in the Lebanese conflict and evaluate their roles. Discuss the impact of class and sect on internal factions.
  • See handout for Ibrahim's The Committee.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #10 due (or Khalifeh review due).
12Iranian Revolution; Oil, Politics, Petrodollars, and Arms
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 410-435.
  • Prepare for presentations.
  • Define fundamentalism and identify Western misconceptions regarding it.
  • Understand the nature of the Iranian Revolution and its continuing significance for fundamentalist groups.
  • Trace the origins of ruling powers in the Gulf countries, and discuss the notion of citizenship there.
  • Discuss the creation of the oil industry in the Middle East.
  • Relate independence of the Gulf states, fluctuations in the oil market, the arms race in the Middle East, and regional cooperation efforts.
  • Describe the extent to which democratization has taken place in the Middle East, and identify the ways in which regimes have stifled the voice(s) of opposition movements.
  • Relate the Iran-Iraq war and the Gulf War to the larger crises of the region.
  • Analyze the economic and political repercussions of the Gulf War.
  • Evaluate the fall of the Soviet Union with respect to the stability of the Middle East.
  • Class 2: reaction paper #11 due (or Ibrahim review due--last chance for book review #2).
  • Class 3: researchers must share papers with the rest of their group.
13Presentations; Islamist Movements
  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 436-457.
  • Trace the development of the current reform movement in Iran, naming major players and groups.
  • Discuss the many faces of fundamentalism in Egypt.
  • Identify the circumstances leading to Sadat's assassination in 1981.
  • Analyze the role of students Islamic movements throughout the region.
  • Discuss the appeal of Islamicist organizations, and describe the aims of the most radical groups.
  • Define modernity and democracy, and determine whether or not Islamicist movements can be modern and democratic.
  • Analyze Turkey as a country caught literally and figuratively between East and West.
  • Evaluate the roles that censorship and lack of intellectual freedom have played in the Middle East.
  • Discuss changes in the Palestinian resistance movement in the 1980s.
  • Trace the development of the two intifadas.
  • Discuss trends in Israeli politics in the 1980s.
  • Evaluate the peacemaking efforts of the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations.
  • Class 1:"On Point" radio program taping
    See also: Related Boston Review articles
  • Class 2: Turkey & Iran Presentations.
  • Class 3: Palestine/Israel Presentation.

Conflict or Peace?

  • Cleveland. A History... Pp. 483-526.
  • Schulze. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Pp. 71-96; documents 19-25 (pp. 115-121).
  • Bush roadmap for peace (PDF)
  • Binational State Proposal (PDF)
  • Iraqi reconstruction (PDF)
  • Cover any objectives not covered last week.
  • In light of the second intifada and the current "war on terror", evaluate the current prospects for lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.
  • Questions for final exam determined.
  • Class 2: 21st Century Luncheon; you will receive invitations and instructions. (PDF)



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