
Jewish History from Biblical to Modern Times >> Content Detail



Exam 1

A Long Question

Write a short essay, no more than three or four pages in your blue book, describing Jewish history for two millennia, from roughly 1000 BCE to roughly 1000 CE. Explain how the conservatism that preserved the Temple in Jerusalem for 1000 years (with only one 70-year interruption) fits with the flexibility needed to recreate a Jewish identity after the destruction of the Second Temple. Think of yourself as explaining what is unusual about Jewish history to someone (whether Jewish or not) who knows little about Jewish history, particularly so long ago. Make reference to the readings in this subject in the course of your essay. Before you start writing, think about the organization of your essay and the main points you wish to make. Use an extra blue book to make an outline if you wish.

A Few Short Questions

  1. Were there any readings in the first half of this subject that struck you as particularly good or particularly bad. If so, please explain in a few sentences. If not, say none.

  2. Are there any topics that you thought were slighted in this rapid review of the first two millennia of Jewish history? If so, please explain in a few sentences. If not, say none.

Exam 2

A Long Question

Write a short essay, no more than three pages in your blue book, describing Jewish history for the last millennia, from roughly 1000 to roughly 2000. Think of yourself as explaining what is unusual about Jewish history to someone (whether Jewish or not) who knows little about Jewish history, particularly long ago. Make reference to the readings in this subject in the course of your essay. Before you start writing, think about the organization of your essay and the main points you wish to make. Use an extra blue book to make an outline if you wish.

A Few Short Questions

  1. Were there any readings in the second half of this subject that struck you as particularly good or particularly bad. If so, please explain in a few sentences. If not, say none.

  2. Are there any topics that you thought were slighted in this rapid review of the last millennium of Jewish history? If so, please explain in a few sentences. If not, say none.


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