
Problems of Philosophy >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Recitation sections meet one hour each week. They are not included in the course calendar.

Ses #TopicsKEY DATES
Reason To Believe: Does God Exist?
2Existence of God: Ontological Argument
3Problem of Evil I
4Problem of Evil IIFirst argument analysis due one day after session 4
5Pascal's Wager
Rationality and Belief
6Ethics of Belief: Evidentialism v. Pragmatism
7Stereotypes and Belief
8Racism and BeliefFirst paper due one day after session 8
9Scientific Reason or Scientific Faith?
10More on Science and Faith
Mind and Body
11The Mind-Body Problem
12Consciousness and Felt Experience
13Materialist OptionsRevisions of first paper due one day after session 13
14Robots and Functionalism
Freewill, Determinism, and Responsibility
15Hard DeterminismSecond argument analysis due one day after session 15
16Compatibilism I
17Compatibilism II
Morality and Right Conduct
19Moral Variation Across CulturesSecond paper due one day after session 19
21Ethical Egoism
23KantianismRevisions of second paper due one day after session 23 (only for those who did not revise their first paper)
24Famine, Virtue and Duty
25Moral LuckThird paper due one day after session 25
26Just War Theory
27Final Lecture
Final Exam


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