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This course contains lectures, lab sessions and recitations, which are presented in the table using the following abbreviations.

L - Lecture
Lab - Lab
R - Recitation

L1IntroductionAmazon logo Doctorow, Cory. Eastern Standard Tribe. New York, NY: Tor, 2004, pp. 108-115. ISBN: 0765307596.
L2Media ConvergenceJenkins, Henry. Towards Media Convergence. Chapter 1. (Forthcoming Book)
R1Media Convergence - What is Jenkins' Argument? What are Counter Examples?
Lab 1The Society of Spectacle ScreeningDebord, Guy. La Société du spectacle, 1973.
L3Origins of Media and Media TheoryBenjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." In Illuminations. New York, NY: Schocken Books, 1968, pp. 217-251.

Amazon logo Debord, Guy-Ernest. Society of the Spectacle. Detroit, MI: Black and Red, 1983, parts 1-42. ISBN: 0934868077.
R2Reading Response Discussion
Lab 2Blade Runner ScreeningScott, Ridley. Blade Runner, 1982.
L4Library Research

What is Authoritative Information in the Age of the Network?
L5Game Mod (Guest Lecture by Paul Marino)
L6Media is the Message / Simulacra and SimulationAmazon logo Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1994. ISBN: 0472065211.

Herbert Marshall McLuhan

Wikipedia contributors. "Simulacra and Simulation." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
R3Discussion of Media Projects and Modes of Working
R4Working Groups
Lab 3Battle of Algiers ScreeningPontecorvo, Gillo. La Battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers), 1965.
L7Theory of Media: Terrorism as Media ToolKittler, Friedrich. "History of Communications Media." Web site compiled by Peter Krapp, 2000.
R5History of Media: Kittler
Lab 4eXistenZ ScreeningCronenberg, David. eXistenZ, 1999.
L8Media Lab Field TripAmazon logo Shaviro, Steven. Connected, or What It Means to Live in the Network Society. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. ISBN: 0816643636.
R6Media Acts
Lab 5Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y ScreeningGrimonprez, Johan. Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, 1998.
L9Media and Property: Creative Commons

Guest Lecture by Hal Abelson
Assigned Reading

Lessig, Lawrence. "The People Own Ideas!" Technology Review 108, no. 6 (June 2005): 46-63.

Epstein, Richard. "The Creators Own Ideas." Technology Review 108, no. 6 (June 2005): 56-60.

Suggested Reading

Creative Commons

Wark, McKenzie. "Hacker Manifesto [version 4.0]." Subsol.
R7Politics of Media: Discussion of Creative Commons License
Lab 6Sonic Outlaws ScreeningBaldwin, Craig. Sonic Outlaws, 1995.
L10Audio Media: History of Mechanical Audio

Guest Lectur by Lisa Gitelman
Amazon logo Gitelman, Lisa. "How Users Define New Media: A History of the Amusement Phonograph." In Rethinking Media Change. Edited by David Thorburn and Henry Jenkins. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004, pp. 61-79. ISBN: 0262701073.
R8Independent Work Group Meetings
L11Television's Past, the Actualization of Mass MediaUricchio, William. "The Trouble with Television." Screening The Past, no. 4 (1998). (First Release)

Hirschberg, Lynn. "Giving Them What They Want." New York Times Magazine, September 4, 2005, 29-35, 50, and 54-55.

McHugh, Josh. "The Super Network: Why Yahoo! Will be the center of the million-channel universe." Wired Issue 13.09 (September 2005): 107-111. (Wired article on the development in television technology and view habits in the post-wired age. HDTV, IPTV, on-demand, etc.)

Siklos, Richard. "First for Free, Then for Pay At 2 Networks." The New York Times, November 8, 2005. (NYT's business section on the November, 2005 announcement of on-demand services by CBS & NBC.)

Amazon logo Gray, Herman. "The Politics of Representation in Network Television." In Watching Race: Television and the Struggle for "Blackness." Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1995, pp. 70-92. ISBN: 0816622507.

Suggested Reading

Amazon logo McCarthy, Anna. "Shaping Public and Private Space with TV Screens." In Ambient Television. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001, pp. 115-153. ISBN: 0822326922.

Amazon logo Schwartz, Evan. "Fields of Vision." In The Last Lone Inventor. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2002, pp. 9-27. ISBN: 0066210690.
R9The Future of Television

Discussion Led by Tom Levenson.
Lab 7Eyes on the Prize ScreeningHampton, Henry. Eyes on the Prize, 1987. (Television images of broadcast of civil rights movement.)
L12Postmedia Production: Electronic Music Culture / Digital Radio

Student Podcast Demo
Suggested Reading

Amazon logo Russolo, Luigi. "The Art of Noises, Futurist Manifesto." In Audio Culture. Edited by Christoph Cox and Daniel Warner. New York, NY: Continuum, 2004. ISBN: 0826416144.

Video Selections to be Screened in Class

Cunningham, Chris. Windowlicker, 1999.

———. Björk: All is full of Love, Music video.

Williams, Hype. Belly, 1998. (Excerpt)

Gondry, Michel. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004.
L13Final Project: Class Presentations


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