
Shakespeare, Film and Media >> Content Detail

Study Materials


Ses #TopicsPreparation
3Discussion of Hoffman MNDNotes on Hoffmann. MND, read McGuire "Hippolyta's Silence"
4Student-led discussion of MND Act 5 and film endings. Screening: Henry V (Olivier, 1944)Read Frye, "Argument of Comedy", prepare notes on MND ending in 2 films
6Discussion of Henry V filmsRead Donaldson, "Claiming from the Female," Andrew. "Realism and Rhetoric"; Short paper on Henry V scenes (3pp.)
10Discussion of 10 Things I Hate About YouNotes on 10 Things; read Burt, "Afterword: Te(e)n Things I Hate"
12Discusssion of Zeffirelli and Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet. Screening: Shakespeare in LoveWatch William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (Luhrmann, 1996); Notes. Read Donaldson, "In fair Verona"
14Discussion of Hamlet 1.4 and 1.5. Screening: Hamlet (Olivier, 1948)Assignment using Hamlet on the Ramparts site to explore textual variation and stage traditions in Hamlet 1.4 and relation to film interpretations
20Discussion of TitusNotes on Titus; read Burt, "Titus is Beautiful"


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