
20th-Century Fiction >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


11John Crowe Ransome. "Captain Carpenter." (handout).
2Joyce. "An Encounter."
23Kipling. The Man Who Would Be King.
Thorburn. "Introduction." Initiation. (handout).
Summary of week 1 lec #2 (maximum two pages).
4Conrad. Heart of Darkness.
3Conrad. Heart of Darkness.
45Conrad. The Shadow-Line.
6Ford. The Good Soldier.
5Ford. The Good Soldier.
7Kafka. The Metamorphosis.First Paper Due.
6Kafka. The Metamorphosis.
Midterm Exam.
78D.H. Lawrence. "The Horse-Dealer's Daughter." (handout).
9Joyce. "Araby," "Two Gallants," "Grace," "The Dead". In Dubliners.
8Joyce. "Araby," "Two Gallants," "Grace," "The Dead". In Dubliners.Second Paper Due.
910Joyce. Chap. 4 - 18 In Ulysses.
11Joyce. Chap. 4 - 18 In Ulysses.
1012Woolf. To the Lighthouse.
Woolf. To the Lighthouse.
1113Faulkner. "That Evening Sun."
___. "Old Man."
12Faulkner. "That Evening Sun."
___. "Old Man."
14Babel. "The Story of My Dovecot."
___. "Crossing the Zbrucz."
___. "Pan Apolek."
___. "My First Goose."
___. "The King."
___. "How It Was Done in Odessa."
___. "The Sin of Jesus."
13Babel. "The Story of My Dovecot."
___. "Crossing the Zbrucz."
___. "Pan Apolek."
___. "My First Goose."
___. "The King."
___. "How It Was Done in Odessa."
___. "The Sin of Jesus."
Final Exam.
1415Nabokov. Pale Fire.
___. Pale Fire.Third Paper Due.
1516Summary perspectives: The Moral Vision of Modern Fiction.



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