
Introduction to Solid State Chemistry >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Vision Statement, Administrative Details


Taxonomy of Chemical Species

Origins of Modern Chemistry
Homework 1 and Quiz 1A, Quiz 1B out
2Classification Schemes for the Elements

Mendeleyev and the Periodic Table

Atomic Structure
3Rutherford Model of the Atom, Bohr Model of HydrogenHomework 2 and Quiz 2A, Quiz 2B out (1 day after lecture 3)
4Atomic Spectra of Hydrogen, Matter/Energy Interactions Involving Atomic Hydrogen
5The Shell Model (Bohr-Sommerfeld Model) and Multi-electron Atoms

Quantum Numbers: n, l, m, s
6De Broglie, Heisenberg, and Schrödinger

The Aufbau Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle, and Hund's Rules

Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Average Valence Electron Energy
Homework 3 out (1 day after lecture 6)
7Octet Stability by Electron Transfer: Ionic Bonding

Properties of Ionic Compounds: Crystal Lattice Energy
Homework 3 addendum out (1 day after lecture 7)
8Born-Haber Cycle

Octet Stability by Electron Sharing: Covalent Bonding

Lewis Structures

9Electronegativity, Partial Charge, Polar Bonds and Polar Molecules

Ionic Character of Covalent Bonds, Pauling's Calculation of Heteronuclear Bond Energies
Homework 4 and Quiz 4A, Quiz 4B out (1 day after lecture 9)
Test 1
10LCAO MO, Energy Level Diagrams for H2, He2, Li2

Hybridization, Double Bonds and Triple Bonds, Paramagnetism and Diamagetism
11The Shapes of Molecules, Electron Domain Theory, Secondary BondingHomework 5 and Quiz 5A, Quiz 5B out (1 day after lecture 11)
12Metallic Bonding, Band Theory of Solids (Heitler and London), Band Gaps in Metals, Semiconductors, and Insulators, Absorption Edge of a Semiconductor
13Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Doping, Compound Semiconductors, Molten SemiconductorsHomework 5 addendum out

Homework 6 and Quiz 6A, Quiz 6B out (3 days after lecture 13)
14Introduction to the Solid State, the 7 Crystal Systems, the 14 Bravais Lattices
15Properties of Cubic Crystals: Simple Cubic, Face-centered Cubic, Body-centered Cubic, Diamond Cubic

Crystal Coordinate Systems, Miller Indices
16Characterization of Atomic Structure: The Generation of X-rays and Moseley's LawHomework 7 out (1 day after lecture 16)
17X-ray Spectra, Bragg's Law
18X-ray Diffraction of Crystals: Diffractometry, Debye-Scherrer, Laue

Crystal Symmetry
19Defects in Crystals: Point Defects, Line Defects, Interfacial Defects, VoidsHomework 8 and Quiz 8A, Quiz 8B out (1 day after lecture 19)
Test 2
20Amorphous Solids, Glass Formation, Inorganic Glasses: Silicates
21Engineered Glasses: Network Formers, Network Modifiers, Intermediates

Properties of Silicate Glasses

Metallic Glass 
Homework 9 and Quiz 9A, Quiz 9B out (1 day after lecture 21)
22Chemical Kinetics: The Rate Equation, Order of Reaction, Rate Laws for Zeroth, First, and Second Order Reactions

Temperature Dependence of Rate of Reaction
23Diffusion: Fick's First Law and Steady-state Diffusion, Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient on Temperature and on Atomic Arrangement
24Fick's Second Law (FSL) and Transient-state Diffusion; Error Function Solutions to FSLHomework 10 out (1 day after lecture 24)
25Solutions: Solute, Solvent, Solution, Solubility Rules, Solubility Product
26Acids and Bases: Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, and Lewis Definitions, Acid Strength and pH
27Organic Chemistry: Basic Concepts, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatics, Functional Groups, Alcohols and Ethers, Aldehydes and Ketones, Esters, AminesHomework 11 and Quiz 11A, Quiz 11B out (3 days after lecture 27)
Test 3
28Organic Glasses - Polymers: Synthesis by Addition Polymerization and by Condensation Polymerization
29Structure-property Relationships in Polymers, Crystalline PolymersHomework 12 and Quiz 12A, Quiz 12B out (1 day after lecture 29)
30Biochemistry: The Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
31Protein Structure: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary; Denaturing of Proteins Homework 13 out (1 day after lecture 31)
32Ipids: Self Assembly into Bilayers

Nucleic Acids, DNA, Encoding Information for Protein Synthesis

Electrochemistry of Batteries and Fuel Cells
33Phase Diagrams - Basic Definitions: Phase, Component, Equilibrium; One-component Phase Diagrams

Two-component Phase Diagrams: Complete Solid Solubility
34Two-component Phase Diagrams: Limited Solid Solubility

Lever Rule
35Wrap-up: Closing Remarks about the Course

Student Course Evaluations
Final Exam


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