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Hutchinson, J. W. "Singular Behaviour at the End of a Tensile Crack in a Hardening Material." J. Mech. Phys. Solids 16 (1968): 13-31. Great Britain: Pergamon Press.

Rice, J. R., and G. F. Rosengren. "Plane Strain Deformation Near a Crack Tip in a Power-Law Hardening Material." J. Mech. Phys. Solids 16 (1968): 1-12. Great Britain: Pergamon Press.

"Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness." Designation: E 1820-01. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, United States.

Hellan, Kare. "Stress Intensity Factors." Appendix C in Introduction to Fractures Mechanics. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

"Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials." Designation: E 399 - 90 (Reapproved 1997). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, United States. Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.

Cotterell, B., and J. R. Rice. "Slightly Curved or Kinked Cracks." International Journal of Fracture 16, no. 2 (April 1980): 155-169. Alpen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers. (Received October 20, 1978; in revised form March 5, 1979.)

Suresh, S., and C. F. Shih. "Plastic Near-tip Fields for Branched Cracks." International Journal of Fracture 30 (1986): 237-259. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. (Received 19th July 1985; in revised form 15 January 1986.)


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