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References  A

Humphreys, F. J., and M. Hatherly. Recrystallization and Related Annealing Phenomena. Oxford: Elsevier, 1996.

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References  B

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References  C

Karo, M. T. Mori, and L. H. Schwartz. "Hardening By Spinodally Modulated Structure." Aca Metall 28 (1981): 285-290.

References  D

Smith, W. F. Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys. McGraw-Hill, 1981, ch. 5, and 10.

References E

Thompson, C. V., and J. R. Lloyd. "Electromigration and IC Interconnects." MRS Bulletin (December 1993): 19-25.

McHenry, M. E., and D. E. Laughlin. "Nano-Scale Materials Development For Future Magnetic Applications." Acta Mater 48 (2000): 223-238.



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