
The Human Past: Introduction to Archaeology >> Content Detail



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This page includes a course calendar summarizing the lecture and lab topics.


Prior to 13,000 years ago all humans lived in relatively mobile small scale societies characterized by egalitarian social structures. Their subsistence depended on foraging for wild foods (often called "hunting and gathering") and reciprocity of exchange. The total human population at 13,000 years bp (before present) has been estimated at about ten million. In the last 13,000 years the human population has increased several hundredfold, and numerous diverse complex societies characterized by food production (agriculture), permanent settlements, hierarchically ranked social structures, and redistributive economic systems developed in most parts of the Old and New Worlds. The attainment of this degree of complexity is often referred to as achieving "civilization." The central theme of this class is the study of the processes leading to the earliest appearance of such societies in the Middle East/eastern Mediterranean region and Mesoamerica. We are interested in examining the similarity and difference in the trajectory of developments in these two regions to better understand the environmental contexts and the cultural processes involved with these changes.

Class Requirements and Mechanics

To fulfill the HASS-D requirements this subject includes two one hour lectures per week, one hour of recitation, and two hours of lab.

The required written work includes three papers (ca. 7-8 pages each), a midterm examination and a final examination as scheduled below. Weekly lab exercises and problem sets will be assigned in conjunction with the labs. Attendance and participation in all class activities (lecture, recitation/discussion and lab) will be considered in evaluating your performance in this class. (Students not fulfilling the HASS-D writing requirement will not receive a passing grade.)


Amazon logo Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., and J. A. Sabloff. Ancient Civilizations: The Near East and Mesoamerica. 2nd ed. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780881338348.

Additional readings are assigned from journal articles, journal abstracts, and papers from books.


1st Paper Assignment15%
First Midterm Examination17%
2nd Paper Assignment15%
3rd Paper Assignment15%
Final Examination (Exam Period)20%
Labs Assignments are Issued Weekly and Due the Following Week18%


The calendar below provides information on the course's lecture (Lec) and lab (Lab) sessions.

Lec1Introductory Remarks - Overview and Class and Lab Logistics
Lec2Archaeology: Nature and Goals; Historical Development as a Discipline
Lab1Chronology and Dating Techniques
Unit 1 - Earlier Prehistory: A Brief Overview
Lec3Becoming Human: Early Hominids and the Earliest Technology
Lec4Becoming Human: Early Humans and Emerging Cultural Behavior
Lec5Becoming Human: Modern Humans and the Advent of Modern Behaviors
Lab2Chronology and Dating Techniques (cont.)
Unit 2 - The Near East Case Study
Lec6Theoretical Perspectives; Variables to be Considered in Comparative Studies. The Environmental Setting for Domestication and the Evolution of Social Complexity in the Near East
Lec7Pre-Neolithic Adaptations and the Natufian in the Near East
Lab3Site Documentation - Map Reading, Site Location
Lec8Domestication: Recognition, Processes and Impact
Lec9Origins and Expansion of Agriculture and Pastoralism in the Near East Context
Lab4Site Documentation - Mapping
Lec10Early Village Farming Communities: Geographic Expansion, Emerging Class Stratification and Centralization of ReligionFirst paper due
Lab5Stone Technology Lab: Manufacturing Techniques
Lec11The Earliest Stages of Urbanization: Ubaid and Eridu
Lec12Urbanization and City States: Uruk, Civilization and Writing
Lab6Stone Technology Lab: Debitage Identification / Classification
Lec13Urbanization and City States: Ur Political and Social Environments, Material Achievements, the Critical Factors Interacting in the Development of Stratified Society in the Near East
Midterm Examination
Lec14Refocusing on the Comparative Theme: Eurasia - The Americas
Unit 3 - The Mesoamerica Case Study
Lec15Peopling of The Americas. The Mesoamerican Environmental Setting: Lowlands and Highlands
Lab7Stone Technology Lab: Artifact Identification / Classification
Lec16Plant and Animal Domestication and the Emergence of Settled Village Life: Tehuacan and Oaxaca
Lec17Plant and Animal Domestication and the Emergence of Settled Village Life: Comparing Processes in Mesoamerica and the Near EastSecond paper due
Lab8Ceramics Lab: Ceramics as Archaeological Materials, Forming and Firing Ceramic Vessels
Lec18The Emergence of the Olmec and Early Lowland Civilization - La Venta
Lec19Olmec Accomplishments
Lab9Ceramics Lab: Analysis of Ceramics as Materials
Lec20The Maya: The Rise of Tropical Rain Forest City-states
Lec21Maya Achievements and the Decline of the Classic Maya
Lec22Prof. Dorothy Hosler: West Mexican Metallurgy and its Importance in Interregional ContactThird paper due
Lab10Faunal Analysis Lab: Bone / Element Identification
Lec23Teotihuacan: The Rise and Fall of a Highland State: Its Social Consequences
Unit 4 - Decline and Collapse
Lec24Decline of Early Civilizations - Social, Political, Economic - An Examination of Potential Causes in Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica
Lab11Faunal Analysis Lab: Bone / Faunal Identification
Lec25Decline of Early Civilizations (cont.)


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