
Dynamics and Control II >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

1Introduction (PDF)
2Example: cruise control (PDF)
3Laplace transform definition, properties (PDF)
4Block diagram algebra (PDF)
5Modeling: impedance of electrical components (PDF)
6Kirchoff's laws, circuit equations (PDF)
7Transfer functions, loop/mesh currents (PDF)
8Modeling: real components as Thevenin and Norton sources (PDF)
9Modeling: one-dimensional mechanical components (PDF)
10Modeling: impedance of mechanical components (PDF)
11Transfer functions in MATLAB and Maple (PDF)
12Operational amplifiers (PDF)
13Generalized system modeling (PDF)
14Modeling: rotational systems (PDF)
15Example: rotational systems (PDF)
16Modeling: two-port components (PDF)
17LTI system response (PDF)
18Standard input functions: delta, step, ramp, sinusoid (PDF)
19Poles and zeros (PDF)
20Standard 1st and 2nd order system responses (PDF)
21Higher order systems, LTI system properties (PDF)
22Example: finding system responses (PDF)
23Effects of poles and zeros (PDF)
24Closed-loop systems, steady-state errors (PDF)
25System stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion (PDF)
26Stability of closed-loop systems, root locus plots (PDF)
27Root locus development (PDF)
28Root locus development (cont.) (PDF)
29Root locus summary, MATLAB (PDF)
30Sinusoidal system response (PDF)
31Frequency response and pole-zero plots (PDF)
32Bode plots (PDF)
33Poles and zeros on bode plots (PDF)
34Bode plots, conclusion (PDF)
38Final exam


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