
Modeling Dynamics and Control II >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1-3Brief Review of 2.003Uniaxial motion, fixed-axis rotation; first and second order systems; natural and forced response; transfer functions, zeroes, poles; elementary control: open-loop, closed-loop; closing the loop alters the natural and forced response characteristics; stability and instability.
4-5Impulse ResponseCollisions; conservation of momentum; conservation of energy; coefficient of restitution; bouncing ball in the presence of air drag.
6-9Plane-motion Kinematics of Rigid BodiesCombined translation and rotation of rigid body; angular velocity; generalized coordinates; common constraints. Kinetic energy of rigid body.
10-15Plane-motion Dynamics of Rigid BodiesLinear and angular momentum principles for systems including rigid bodies; derivingequations of motion using momentum principles; conservation of energy; linearization in the neighbourhood of equilibrium, stability and instability; rolling cylinder inside rollinghoop; inverted pendulum on cart.
16-18Vibrations of Two-Degree-of-Freedom SystemsNatural modes and the eigenvalue problem; free and forced response to harmonic excitation; damping effects; Bode plots.
19-24Control of Systems with Rigid BodiesActuators, sensors; P, D, I feedback-loop strategies; root-locus design; application to inverted pendulum on cart, automatic self-balancing scale; frequency-domain design methods, gain margin, phase margin.




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