
Systems, Modeling, and Control II >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction; mechanical elementsN1; notes
2Solving ODEs; cruise controlNotesProblem set 1 out
3Laplace transforms; transfer functions; translational and rotational mechanical transfer functionsN2.1-2.3 and 2.5-2.6Lab 1: parameter estimation
4Electrical and electro-mechanical system transfer functionsN2.4 and 2.7-2.8
5DC motor transfer functionNotes

Problem set 2 out

Problem set 1 due

6Poles and zeros; 1st order systemsN4.1-4.3Lab 2: characterization of DC motor
72nd order systemsN4.4 - 4.6
82nd order systems (cont.)Notes

Problem set 3 out

Problem set 2 due

9More than 2 poles; zeros; nonlinearities and linearizationN2.10, 3.7, and 4.7-4.9
10Examples of modeling and transfer functionsNotes

Problem set 4 out

Problem set 3 due

11Block diagrams; feedbackN5.1-5.2Lab 3: proportional control of velocity (part I)
12Analysis of feedback systemsN5.3
13Quiz 1Problem set 4 due
14Stability; Routh-Hurwitz criterionN6.1-6.3
15Stability analysisN6.4Problem set 5 out
16Steady state error analysisN7.1-7.6Lab 4: proportional control of velocity (part II)
17Root locus introductionN8.1-8.5
18Root locus exampleN8.6

Problem set 6 out

Problem set 5 due

19Design of transient response using root locusN8.7Lab 5: proportional-integral control of velocity
20Positive feedbackN8.9
21Examples of design via root locusNotes

Problem set 7 out

Problem set 6 due

22Steady-state error compensationN9.1-9.2Lab 6: proportional-derivative control of position
23Transient response compensation; transient and steady-state error compensationN9.3-9.4
24Compensation examplesNotes

Problem set 8 out

Problem set 7 due

25Feedback compensation and its physical realizationN9.5-9.6Lab 7: design project (starts)
26Feedback design examplesNotes
27Quiz 2Problem set 8 due
28Frequency response; bode plotsN10.1-10.2
29Bode plot examplesNotesProblem set 9 out
30Gain margin and phase marginN10.7
31Design using the frequency response; lead, lag, lead-lag compensatorsN11.1-11.5
32The state-space representationN3.1-3.6Lab 8: design project (cont.)Problem set 9 due
33Solving the state equations in the time and space domainsN4.10-4.11
34State equation examplesNotesProblem set 10 out
35Stability and steady-state error in state space; controllability and observabilityN6.5, 7.8, 12.3, and 12.6Lab 9: design project (concludes)
36Optimal control; the minimum time problemNotes
37Review: modeling and transfer functionsNotesProblem set 10 due
38Review: root locus, feedback designNotes
39Review: frequency domain and designNotes


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