
Introduction to Robotics >> Content Detail



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2.004 and 2.003.

This course is a restricted elective (professional subject).

Course Text

Amazon logo Asada, H., and J. J. Slotine. Robot Analysis and Control. New York, NY: Wiley, 1986. ISBN: 9780471830290.

This book will be supplemented by newly written lecture notes, which are a preliminary version of the book's second edition. While the book was originally written for graduate-level courses, the new lecture notes are primarily for undergraduate juniors and seniors, assuming 2.003 and 2.004 level background knowledge about dynamics and control.

Labs and Projects

Lab sessions are geared toward completion of two projects - a de-mining robot and a robot that finds and rescues disaster victims.

Grading Policy

Mid-term Exam30%
End-of-term Exam30%
Laboratory and Design Project20%


The calendar below provides information on the course's lecture (L) and lab (Lab) sessions.

L2Actuators and Drives
L3Control ComponentsProblem set 1 out
Lab 1De-mining Robot: Embedded Robot Controller, I/O Interface, and PWM Amplifiers
L4Control Software - 1Problem set 1 due
Lab 2De-mining Robot: Controller Software and Sensor Inputs
L5Control Software - 2Problem set 2 out
L6Sensors - 1
Lab 3De-mining Robot: Implement Basic Sensor-based Controls; Plan Strategy for De-mining Task
L7Kinematics - 1Problem set 3 out
L8Kinematics - 2Problem set 2 due
Lab 4De-mining Robot: Refine De-mining Operations
L9Differential Motion - 1Problem set 3 due

Problem set 4 out
Lab 5Rescue Robot: Stage A - Concept Design
L10Differential Motion - 2
L11Statics, Energy MethodProblem set 4 due

Problem set 5 out
Lab 6Rescue Robot: Stage B - Prototype Implementation
L12Hybrid Position-force Control
L13Compliance, End-effecter DesignProblem set 5 due
Lab 7Rescue Robot: Stage B - Prototype Implementation (cont.)
L14Non-holonomic SystemsProblem set 6 out
L15Mid-term Exam
Lab 8Rescue Robot: Stage C - System Integration
L16Legged Robots, Multi-fingered Hands
L17Dynamics - 1Problem set 6 due

Problem set 7 out
L18Dynamics - 2
L19Computed Torque ControlProblem set 7 due
Lab 9Rescue Robot: Stage C - System Integration (cont.)
L20Sensors - 2Problem set 8 out
L21Computer Vision
L22Navigation - 1
L23Navigation - 2Problem set 8 due
Lab 10Rescue Robot: Stage D - Testing
L24Tele-robotics and Virtual Reality
L25End-of-term Exam
L26Check Out of Final Projects
L27Project Demonstration


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