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Whitney, Daniel E.
Mechanical Assemblies: Their Design, Manufacture, and Role in Product Development. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780195157826.
Course Goals
While much is written about the design and manufacture of individual parts, there is surprisingly little information about how those parts go together into a product that actually does something. This course addresses the following question: What is a competently designed assembly, and how would we know one if we saw one? Specific objectives for students include:
Understand a systematic approach to analyzing assembly problems.
Appreciate the many ways assembly influences product development and manufacturing.
See a complete approach that includes technology, systems engineering, and economic analysis.
Get a feeling for what is technologically feasible.
Practice the systematic process on a semester-long project of your own.
2.008 Course Mechanics
Class lectures and discussions
Readings for each class session
A project to be done in phases during the term
A mid-term and a final project presentation
No quizzes or final exam
Homework | 1/3 |
Project Report | 1/3 |
Midterm and Final Presentations | 1/3 |