
Physics I: Classical Mechanics >> Content Detail

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All readings are from Young and Freedman:

Amazon logo Young, Hugh D., and Roger A. Freedman. University Physics. 11th edition, Volume 1, with Mastering Physics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2004. ISBN: 9780805391800.

Week #TopicsReadings
1Force as a Vector, Vector ManipulationSections 1.1-1.9, 4.1-4.2, 5.1
2Vectors, Free-body Diagrams, EquilibriumSections 2.1-2.5, Sections 4.5-4.6, Section 5.1
3Relative Motion, 1-D and 2-D Kinematics, Gravity near the EarthSections 2.1-2.5, Sections 3.1-3.3, Sections 4.5-4.6, Section 5.1
4Non-constant Acceleration, Circular Motion, F=maSections 3.4 and 3.5, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
5Free-body Diagrams with Acceleration, FrictionChapter 5 (all sections, but especially sections 5.3 and 5.4)
6SpringsChapter 5 (all sections, but especially sections 5.3 and 5.4)
7F=ma for Circular Motion with Gravity, PendulumsSections 6.1-6.3, and 7.1
8Work, Kinetic and Potential EnergySections 7.2-7.5
9Work and Energy, Energy DiagramsSection 6.4, 8.1-8.5
10Momentum, Elastic/Inelastic CollisionsSections 8.1-8.5, and 13.1-13.4
11Center of Mass, Simple Harmonic MotionSection 8.5, and 13.1-13.4
12Gravity Far from the Surface of the EarthSections 12.1-12.3
13OrbitsSection 12.4
14Fluid Properties, Kinetic Theory of GassesSections 14.1-14.5, 18.1, and 18.3
15Einstein's Miracle YearNo assigned readings.
16Kinematics, Statics, and Dynamics of Angular MotionSections 9.1-9.3, 10.1-10.3, and 11.1-11.3
17Energy and Momentum of Angular MotionSections 9.4-9.6, 10.4-10.6, and 13.4-13.6
18Angular Momentum Applied to Orbits and GyroscopesSections 9.4-9.6, 10.4-10.6, and 13.4-13.6


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