
Electricity and Magnetism >> Content Detail



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The desktop experiments were conducted during the class sessions listed in the table.

4Experiment 1Visualizations (PDF)
7Experiment 2Electrostatic Force (PDF)exp02.xls (XLS)
8Experiment 3Faraday Ice Pail (PDF)exp03.ds (DS)
12Experiment 4Ohm's Law and RC Circuits (PDF)exp04.ds (DS)
14Experiment 5Magnetic Fields (PDF)exp05.ds (DS)
15Experiment 6Magnetic Force (PDF)exp06.ds (DS)
17Experiment 7Dipoles in B Fields (PDF - 1.8 MB)exp07.ds (DS)
exp07.xls (XLS)
18Experiment 8Magnetic Forces (PDF)exp08.xls (XLS)
21Experiment 9Faraday's Law (PDF)exp09.ds (DS)
25Experiment 10LR and Undriven LRC Circuits (PDF)exp10.ds (DS)
26Experiment 11Driven RLC Circuit (PDF)exp11a.ds (DS)
exp11b.ds (DS)
32Experiment 12Microwaves (PDF)
33Experiment 13Interference (PDF)exp13.xls (XLS)


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