
Introduction to Astronomy >> Content Detail

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Readings refer to:

Amazon logo Zeilik, Michael, and Stephen A. Gregory. Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics. 4th ed. Fort Worth, TX: Saunders College Publishing, 1997. ISBN: 9780030062285.

1Course Organization; Introduction
2Greek Astronomy
3-4Astronomy in the Era of Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, and Galileo; Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
5Review of Classical Mechanics; Circular OrbitsChapter 1
6-7Full Kepler Orbit ProblemChapter 1
8Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves; Doppler EffectChapter 8
9-10Reflection, Refraction, and Optics
11-12Optical, Radio, and X-Ray TelescopesChapter 9
13-14Distances and MagnitudesChapter 11
15Binary SystemsChapter 12
16-17Hertzsprung-Russell DiagramsChapter 13
18-20Initial Mass Function; Olbert's Paradox; The Milky WayChapters 14, 19, 20
21-25Birth, Structure, and Evolution of StarsChapters 15, 16
26-28Star Death: White Dwarves, Neutron Stars, Supernovae, and Black HolesChapter 17
29Cepheid Variables; Mass Transfer BinariesChapter 18
30-31Interstellar MediumChapter 15
32HII Regions; Galaxy TypesChapters 15, 21
33Masses of Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters; Distance LadderChapters 21, 22, 23
34Age and Large Scale Structure of the Universe; Intergalactic MediumChapter 23
35Active Galactic NucleiChapter 24
36-37Newtonian Cosmology; Thermal History of the UniverseChapters 25, 26


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