
Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

I. Thermodynamics
L1Fundamental Definitions, The Zeroth Law, The First Law(PDF)
L2The Second Law, Carnot Engines and Thermodynamic Temperature, Entropy(PDF)
L3Approach to Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Potentials, Useful Mathematical Results(PDF)
L4Stability Conditions, The Third Law(PDF)
II. Probability
L5General Definitions, One Random Variable, Some Important Probability Distributions(PDF)
L6Many Random Variables, Sums of Random Variables and the Central Limit Theorem, Rules for Large Numbers, Information, Entropy, and Estimation(PDF)
III. Kinetic Theory of Gases
L7General Definitions, Liouville's Theorem(PDF)
L8The Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon Hierarchy, The Boltzmann Equation(PDF)
L9The H-Theorem and Irreversibility, Equilibrium Properties(PDF)
L10Conservation Laws(PDF)
L11Zeroth Order Hydrodynamics, First Order Hydrodynamics(PDF)
IV. Classical Statistical Mechanics
L12General Definitions, The Microcanonical Ensemble, Two-Level Systems(PDF)
L13The Ideal Gas, Mixing Entropy and Gibbs' Paradox, The Canonical Ensemble(PDF)
L14Examples, The Gibbs Canonical Ensemble, The Grand Canonical Ensemble(PDF)
V. Interacting Particles
L15The Cumulant Expansion(PDF)
L16The Cluster Expansion(PDF)
L17The Second Virial Coefficient and Van der Waals Equation, Breakdown of the Van der Waals Equation, Mean Field Theory of Condensation(PDF)
L18Variational Methods, Corresponding States, Critical Point Behavior(PDF)
VI. Quantum Statistical Mechanics
L19Mean field theory of condensation, Corresponding states, Critical point behavior (from L17 & L18)(PDF)
L20Dilute Polyatomic Gases, Vibrations of a Solid, Black-body Radiation(PDF)
L21Quantum Microstates, Quantum Macrostates(PDF)
VII. Ideal Quantum Gases
L22Hilbert Space of Identical Particles(PDF)
L23Canonical Formulation, Grand Canonical Formulation(PDF)
L24The Degenerate Fermi Gas(PDF)
L25The Degenerate Bose Gas(PDF)
L26Superfluid He4(PDF)


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