
Strong Interactions: Effective Field Theories of QCD >> Content Detail

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1-3Introduction to Effective Field Theory (EFT), Standard Model ReviewCKM Matrix, SM as an EFT, Relevant and Irrelevant Operators, Field Redefinitions, Wilsonian and Gell-Mann Low Renormalization Group, Neutrinos
4EFT BasicsQCD Handout, Regularization and Renormalization, Decoupling Theorem, Mass Independent Schemes, Matching and RunningProblem set 1 due
5-7EFT for Massive ParticlesIntegrating out the Top, W, Z, Matching and Decoupling, Electroweak Hamiltonian, Flavor Changing Neutral Currents, Renormalization of 4 Quark Operators, CP ViolationProblem set 2 due
8-9Chiral Perturbation TheoryChiral Symmetry, Power Counting, Pion Processes, Weak Kaon Decays, Electromagnetic Interactions, Processes with Heavy Baryons/MesonsProblem set 3 due
10-16Heavy Quark Effective TheoryDegrees of Freedom, Heavy Quark Symmetry, Construction of Lagrangian and Currents, Perturbative and Power Corrections, Vcb and Form Factors, Operator Product Expansion for Inclusive DecaysProblem set 4 due
17-18ChPT for Matter Fields, EFT with a Fine TuningProcesses with Heavy Baryons/Mesons, NN Effective Field Theory with a Large Scattering LengthProblem set 5 due
19-20Non-Relativistic QCDDegrees of Freedom, Velocity Power Counting, Multipole Expansion, Static Potential, Lamb Shifts and Hyperfine Splittings, Velocity Renormalization GroupProblem set 6 due
21Prelude to SCETFactorization and IR Divergences in Quantum Field TheoryProblem set 7 due
22-27Soft-Collinear Effective TheoryCollinear Fields and Operators, Symmetries, Power Counting, Factorization, Color Transparency, Summing Double Logarithms, Deep Inelastic Scattering, Meson Form Factors, B Decays into Light HadronsProblem set 8, 9 due
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