
Seminar on Politics and Conflict in the Middle East >> Content Detail

Study Materials


Below are the required texts and optional texts for the course, and readings for each class session.

Required Texts

Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000.

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001.

Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's Press, 2001.

Optional Texts

Bickerton, Ian J., and Carla L. Klausner. A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998.

Bill, James, and Robert Springborg. Politics in the Middle East. 5th ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2000.

Cobban, Helena. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power, and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Cohen, Mihcael J. The Origins and Evolution of the Arab-Zionist Conflict. Berkeley/ Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1987.

Cooley, John K. Unholy Wars. London/Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press, 1999.

Du Pasquier, Roger. Unveiling Islam. Cambridge (u.k.): Islamic Texts Society, 1994.

Eaton, Gai. Islam and the Destiny of Man. Cambridge (u.k.): Islamic Texts Society, 1994.

El-Baz, Farouk, and R. M. Makharita, eds. The Gulf War and the Environment. Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1994.

Elmusa, Sharif S. Negotiating Water: Israel and the Palestinians. Washington D.C.: Institute for Palestinian Studies, 1996.

Elon, Amos. The Israelis: Founders and Sons. New York: Penguin Books, 1981.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. (Revised edition.)

Guazzone, Laura, ed. The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997.

Hourani, Albert, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson, eds. The Modern Middle East. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Hunter, F. Robert. The Palestinian Uprising: A War by Other Means Revised and Expanded. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993.

Kandiyoti, Deniz, ed. Women, Islam & the State. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991.

Kegley, Charles W. Jr., and Gregory Raymond. How Nations Make Peace. New York: St. Martin's / Worth, 1999.

Khoury, Philip S., and Joseph Kostiner, eds. Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

Lake, Anthony. After the Wars: Reconstruction in Afghanistan, Indochina, Central America, Southern Africa, and the Horn of Africa. New Brunswick (u.s.), Oxford (u.k.): Transaction Publishers, 1990.

Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Lowi, Miriam R. Water and Power: The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin. Cambridge G.B.: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Marsot, Afaf Lutfi Al-Sayyid. A Short History of Modern Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Said, Edward W. The Question of Palestine. New York: Vintage Books, 1992.

Sharabi, Hisham. Neopatriarchy: A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Usher, Graham. Palestine in Crisis: The Struggle for Peace and Political Independence after Oslo. London: Pluto Press, 1995.

Vandewalle, Dirk, ed. North Africa: Development and Reform in a Changing Global Economy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

Vannedwalle, Dirk, ed. Qadhafi's Libya 1969 to 1944. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.

Class Session Readings

1Introduction: Core Concepts and Strategic Legacies

Required Readings

Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000, chapters 1 and 8.

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Introduction and chapter 1.

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapter 1.

Related Readings

Hourani, Albert. The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Introduction, pp. 1-20.

Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, chapters 1 and 2.

2Interconnected Logics: Religion and Politics

Required Readings

Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000, chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, chapter 2.

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapters 3 and 22.

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapter 2 and 4.

Tibi, Bassam. "Islam and Modern European Ideologies." International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 18 (1986): 15-29.

Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, chapters 9.

Related Readings

Choucri, Nazli. "Demography, Migration and Security in the Middle East." In The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. Edited by Laura Guazzone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. 95-134.

Joffe, George H. "Disputes Over State Boundaries in the Middle East and North Africa." In The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. Edited by Laura Guazzone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. 58-93.

3Critical Convergence: The Case of Iraq

Required Readings

Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000, chapters 6, 9, 10, and 11.

Batatu, Hanna. "Of the Diversity of Iraqis, the Incohesiveness of their Society, and their Progress in the Monarchic Period toward a Consolidated Political Structure." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 504-525.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, chapter 3. (Revised Edition.)

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapters 3, 43, 51 and 57.

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapter 9 and 11.

Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, chapters 8.

Related Readings

Picard, Elizabeth. "Arab Military in Politics: From Revolution Plot to Authoritarian State." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 551-578.

Krasner, Stephen D. "The Middle East and the End of the Cold War." In The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. Edited by Laura Guazzone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. 201-215.

4Roots, Migrations, and State-Building: Arab-Israeli Conflicts

Required Readings

Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000, chapter 7.

Elon, Amos. The Israelis: Founders and Sons. New York: Penguin Books, 1981.

Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, chapter 9.

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapters 24, 28, 32, and 34.

Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2001, chapter 1, 3, and 7.

Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World. New Work: Norton, 2001, chapters 13 and 15.

Related Readings

Bickerton, Ian J., and Carla L. Klausner. A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998. Pp. 36-56 and 88-109.

Swedenburg, Ted. "The Role of the Palestinian Peasantry in the Great Revolt (1936-1939)." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 468-502.

Cohen, Michael J. The Origins and Evolution of the Arab-Zionist Conflict. Berkeley / Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1987, chapters 1 and 2.

5Beliefs and Power Differentials: Israel and the Palestinians

Required Readings

Cobban, Helena. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power, and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, chapters 1, 4, 5 and 11.

Hunter, F. Robert. The Palestinian Uprising: A War by Other Means Revised and Expanded. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993, chapters 2 and 3.

Khalidi, Walid. "Thinking the Unthinkable: A Sovereign Palestinian State." Foreign Affairs. Pp. 695-713.

McDowell, David. "Dilemmas of the Jewish State." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 643-662.

Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2001, chapter 2.

Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World. New Work: Norton, 2001, chapters 12.

Related Readings

Elmusa, Sharif S. Negotiating Water: Israel and the Palestinians. Washington D.C.: Institute for Palestinian Studies, 1996.

Usher, Graham. Palestine in Crisis: The Struggle for Peace and Political Independence after Oslo. London: Pluto Press, 1995, chapters 3 and 6.

6Diversity and Complexity: Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan

Required Readings

Cobban, Helena. "The Shia Community and the Future of Lebanon." The Muslim World Today. No. 2 (1985): 1-12.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. 140-151. (Revised edition.)

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapters 37 and 48.

Lowi, Miriam R. Water and Power: The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin. Cambridge G.B.: Cambridge University Press, 1995, chapters 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9.

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapter 8.

Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World. New Work: Norton, 2001, chapter 10.

Related Readings

Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2001, chapter 9.

Choucri, Nazli. "Environmental Flash Points in the Middle East and North Africa." In Environmental Flash Points Workshop. 1997. Pp. 177-196.

7Dangerous Disequilibria: Iran and Turkey

Required Readings

Carley, Patricia. Turkey's Role in the Middle East. Washington D.C., Institute of Peace, 1995.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. 103-110. (Revised edition.)

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, chapter 3.

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapters 4, 16, 42, 47, and 52.

Fuller, Graham E. "Turkey and the Middle East Northern Tier." In The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. Edited by Laura Guazzone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. 43-57.

Kheddi, Nikki R. "Iranian Revolutions in Perspective." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 601-624.

Mardin, Serif. "Religion and Secularism in Turkey." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 347-374.

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapter 5 and 10.

Related Readings

Ismael, Tareq Y. Iraq and Iran: Roots of Conflict. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1982. Pp. 1-39.

King, R. H. P., Gary Sick, and Brian Urquhart. United Nations and the Iran - Iraq War. New York: Ford Foundation, 1987.

8Elusive Gains and Strategic Costs: Saudi Arabia and Gulf

Required Readings

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapter 8.

Gellner, Ernest. "Tribalism and the State in the Middle East." In Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East. Edited by Philip S. Khoury, and Joseph Kostiner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Pp. 109-126.

Kostiner, Joseph. "Transforming Dualities: Tribe and State Formation in Saudi Ariabia." In Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East. Edited by Philip S. Khoury, and Joseph Kostiner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Pp. 226-251.
Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapter 2. 

Tibi, Bassam. "The Simultaneity of Unsimultaneous: Old Tribes and Imposed Nation-States in the Modern Middle East." In Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East. Edited by Philip S. Khoury, and Joseph Kostiner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Pp. 127-152.

Salame, Ghassan. "Political Power and the Saudi State." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 580-600.

Related Readings

El-Baz, Farouk, et. al. "Detection by Satellite Images of Environmental Change due to the Gulf War." In The Gulf War and the Environment. Edited by Farouk El-Baz, and R. M. Makharita. Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1994. Pp. 1-29.

Norton, Augustus Richard. "Political Reform in the Middle East." In The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. Edited by Laura Guazzone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. 3-22.

9Power and Interdependence: Egypt and Sudan

Required Readings

Cooley, John K. Unholy Wars. London/Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press, 1999, chapter 2.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp 77-103. (Revised edition.)

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, chapters 4 and 8.

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001, chapter 44.

Khalidi, Rashid. "Consequences of the Suez Crisis in the Arab World." In The Modern Middle East. Edited by Albert Hourani, Philip S. Khoury, and Mary C. Wilson. Berkeley: California Press, 1993. Pp. 536-549.

Marsot, Afaf Lutfi Al-Sayyid. A Short History of Modern Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, chapters 1, 4, 6 and 7.

Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World. New York: Norton, 2001, chapter 9.

Related Readings

Marsot, Afaf Lutfi Al-Sayyid. A Short History of Modern Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, chapters 2, 3 and 5.

Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2001, chapter 8.

10Continuity of Conflicts and Contentions: North Africa

Required Readings

Anderson, Lisa. "Tribe and State: Libyan Anomalies." In Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East. Edited by Philip S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Pp. 288-302.

Esposito, John L. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. 151-187. (Revised edition.)

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, chapter 7.

Vanderwalle, Dirk, ed. "The Libyan Jamahiriyya since 1969." In Qadhafi's Libya 1969 to 1944. Edited by Dirk Vannedwalle. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995, chapter 1.

Vanderwalle, Dirk, and Karen Pfeifer. "North Africa as a Region Peripheral Economic Region: Development and Reform. " In North Africa: Development and Reform in a Changing Global Economy. Edited by Dirk Vanderwalle. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, chapter 1.

White, Gregory W. "The Mexico of Europe? Morocco's Partnership with the European Union." In North Africa: Development and Reform in a Changing Global Economy. Edited by Dirk Vanderwalle. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, chapter 5.

Related Readings

Badran, Margot. "Competing Agenda: Feminists, Islam and the State in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Egypt." In Women Islam and the State. Edited by Deniz Kandiyoti. Philadlephia: Temple University Press, 1991, chapters 8 and 9.

Cooley, John K. Unholy Wars. London / Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press, 1999, chapter 9.

11Exploring "Alternatives": Future Contentions

Required Readings

Andersen, Roy R., Robert F. Seibert, and Jon G. Wagner. Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation. 6th ed. Engelwood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000, chapters 12, 13, and 14.

Esposito, John L., and Voll, John O. Islam and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Conclusion.

Guazzone, Laura. "A Map and Some Hypotheses for the Future of the Middle East." In The Middle East in Global Change: The Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation. Edited by Laura Guazzone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. 237-259

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000, chapters 10 and 11.

Related Readings

Owen, Roger. State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2000. Conclusion.

Zureik, Elia. "Crime, Justice, and Underdevelopment: The Palestinians under Israeli Control." International Journal of Middle East Studies 20 (1988): 411-442.

Said, Edward W. The Question of Palestine. New York: Vintage Books, 1992. Pp. 182-213.


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