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FAF = Amazon logo Sadker, Myra, and David Sadker. Failing at Fairness. New York, NY: Scribner, 1995. ISBN: 9780684800738.

JBR = Amazon logo Jossey-Bass Publishers. The Jossey-Bass Reader on Gender in Education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2002. ISBN: 9780787960742.

1Introduction; History of Gender in Education

FAF, chapter 2: "Through the Back Door: The History of Women's Education."

JBR, chapter 10: "How Girls Negotiate School" (AAUW).

2Boys' Educational Issues

JBR, chapter 7: "Thorns Among Roses: The Struggle of Young Boys in Early Education" (Kindlon and Thompson).

FAF, chapter 8 / JBR, chapter 8: "The Miseducation of Boys" (Sadker and Sadker).

3Course-Taking Patterns; Sex Education

JBR, chapter 11: "Course-taking Patterns" (AAUW).

JBR, chapter 17: "Sexuality, Schooling, and Adolescent Females: The Missing Discourse of Desire" (Fine).

4Title IX

JBR, chapter 1: "Too Strong for a Woman: The Five Words that Created Title IX" (Sandler).

"Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972". 20 U.S.C. §1681-1688.

Riley, Richards and Norma Cantú. "Title IX: 25 Years of Progress." U.S. Department of Education (June 1997).

Toppo, Greg. "New rules would allow more single-sex schools." U.S.A. TODAY (March 3, 2004).

5Standardized Tests

FAF section: "Designing Tests" from chapter 6: "Test Dive." [Section starts on p. 131.]

The College Board Office of Research and Development. "Research Summary: SAT and Gender Differences." College Entrance Examination Board (February 1998).

Buck, Gary, Irene Koston, and Rick Morgan. "Examining the Relationship of Content to Gender-Based Performance Differences in Advanced Placement Exams." College Entrance Examination Board (2002). [Only read pp. 1-3 (until the "Method" section), and p. 18 ("Implications"). The rest can be skimmed or skipped -- it goes into far more detail than we'll need.]

Dittman, M. "College Women Underperform on Tests When in the Minority." Monitor on Psychology 35, no. 1 (January 2004): 14.

6Single-Sex Schooling

Kaminar, Wendy. "The Trouble with Same-sex schools." Atlantic Monthly (April 1998).

National Association of State Boards of Education. "Single-Sex Schools." Policy Update 5, no. 15 (July-August 1997).

Schemo, Diana Jean. "Administration Proposes Same-Sex-School Option." New York Times (March 4, 2004).

7Classroom Dynamics

Amazon logo Orenstein, Peggy. "Learning Silence: Scenes from the Class Struggle." Chapter 1 in SchoolGirls: Young Girls, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1994. ISBN: 9780385425759.

FAF, chapter 3: "Missing in Interaction."

8The Feminine Mystique

Amazon logo Friedan, Betty. "The Sex-Directed Educators." Chapter 7 in The Feminine Mystique. New York, NY: Dell, 1964. ASIN: B000CBJK5I.

Amazon logo ———. "The Sexual Sell." Chapter 9 in The Feminine Mystique. New York, NY: Dell, 1964. ASIN: B000CBJK5I.


Film: Mona Lisa Smile, Revolution Studios and Columbia Pictures (2003).

Kayes, Rebecca. "Frowning at Mona Lisa Smile: An Alum Looks Back." Counterpoint: The MIT-Wellesley Journal of Campus Life 26, no. 1 (February 2004): 6-7.

Walsh, Diana Chapman. "Message from the President to Wellesley College Alumnae Concerning the Film, Mona Lisa Smile." Wellesley College Office for Public Information (January 9, 2004).

9Women's Studies

"Men in Women's Studies Classes II." E-mail archive of WMST-L list (February 1999).

Agozino, Biko. "What Women's Studies Offer Men." West Africa Review 2, no. 1 (August 2002). ISSN: 1525-4488.

10ESL Studies and Cross-Cultural Issues

Morris, Lori. "Differences in Men's and Women's ESL Writing at the Junior College Level: Consequences for Research on Feedback." Canadian Modern Language Review 55, no. 2 (December 1998).

McGroarty, Mary. "Cross-Cultural Issues in Adult ESL Classrooms." Center for Adult English Language Acquisition Digests (July 1993).

11MIT's Journey Towards Diversity

Jaimes, Joel J. "Diversity at MIT: 1981 to Present." The Tech 123, no. 3 (February 11, 2003).

Penfield, Paul. "Faculty Diversity." MIT Faculty Newsletter 6, no. 3 (January/February 1994): 1, 12-15.

MIT Committee on Women Faculty in the School of Science. "A Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT." MIT Faculty Newsletter 11, no. 4 (March 1999).

Waugh, Alice C. "Policies Have Helped Boost Women Faculty." MIT Tech Talk (March 31, 2004).

JBR, chapter 26: "Examining Women's Progress in the Sciences from the Perspective of Diversity" (Clewell and Ginorio).

12Opting Out

Belkin, Lisa. "The Opt-Out Revolution." New York Times (October 26, 2003).

Wallis, Cynthia. "The Case for Staying at Home: Why More Young Moms Are Opting Out of the Rat Race." TIME (March 22, 1994).

Boufis, Christina. "Strange Bedfellows: Does Academic Life Lead to Divorce?" Salon (March 24, 1999).

Hilborn, Robert C., Ruth H. Howes, Barbara L. Whitten, Suzanne R. Foster, and Margaret L. Duncombe. "What Works for Women in Undergrad Physics?" Physics Today 56, no. 9 (September 2003): 46.

13Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Experiences

Steward, Doug. "Working Towards Equality." Academe 89, no. 4 (July-August 2003).

Amazon logo Feltey, Katherine M. "Living Outside the Center." Chapter 6 in Lesbians in Academia: Degrees of Freedom. Edited by Beth Mintz and Esther Rothblum. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997. ISBN: 9780415917025.

Amazon logo Anon. "My, How Times Have Changed… Or Have They? A Quarter Century as a Lesbian Academic." Chapter 29 in Lesbians in Academia: Degrees of Freedom. Edited by Beth Mintz and Esther Rothblum. New York, NY: Routledge (1997). ISBN: 9780415917025.

Bernstein, Fred. "On Campus, Rethinking Bio 101." New York Times (March 7, 2004).

14Summary and Conclusions


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