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1Introduction: Course Requirements, Goals, Framework
2The Housing and Human Service Systems: Interface and Interaction"Cross-Cultural Comparisons: Nonprofit Housing Developers and Social Service Agencies." Table 5 in Not a Solo Act: Creating Successful Partnerships to Develop & Operate Supportive Housing. Corporation for Supportive Housing, 2001.

Pascoe, Neil, and Quentin Thompson. "Cooperation & Conflict: An Examination of the Interface Between Housing and Social Service Departments." Housing Review, May-June 1979.

Wenger, Etienne. "Communities of Practice and Social Learning Systems." Organization 7, no. 2 (2000).

Bratt, and Keyes. "Broadening Approaches to Self-Sufficiency: Why Organizations Move into New Roles." Chapter 4 in New Perspectives on Self-Sufficiency: Strategies of Nonprofit Housing Organizations. 1997.
3Frame Reflection and Best Practice Debates: Confronting HomelessnessAmazon logo Schon, and Rein. "Policy Controversies as Frame Conflicts." In Frame Reflection. NY: Basic Books, 1994, pp. 23-36. ISBN: 0465025064.

Amazon logo Keyes, Langley. Exceprts from "Housing and the Homeless." In Building Foundations. Edited by DiPasquale and Keyes. Penn: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990, pp. 404-414. ISBN: 0812213092.

"Ending Chronic Homelessness." New York Times, March 13, 2002. (editorial)

"HHS Releases Comprehensive Plan to End Chronic Homelessness." News Release, March 28, 2003.

"Questions and Answers About the 'Chronic Homelessness Initiative'." National Coalition for the Homeless, April 2003.

"New Partnerships for Ending Homelessness: Housing, Services, and Employment, National Alliance to End Homelessness et. al." pp. 2-7.

Rosennheck, et. al. "Special Populations of Homeless Americans." 1998, pp. 1-4. (xeroxed paper)

Culhane, Dennis. "New Strategies and Collaborations Target Homelessness." Housing Facts and Findings 4, no. 5. Fannie Mae Foundation, 2002.
4The Mental Health Housing System: The TheoryRein, Martin. "Primary and Secondary Reframing." Cybernetics & Human Knowing 7, no. 2-3 (2000): 89-103.

Minkoff, K. "AACP Position Statement on Housing Options for Individuals with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness." June 2001.

Carling, Paul "Major Mental Illness, Housing, and Supports: The Promise of Community Integration." American Psychologist  45, no. 8 (August 1990): 969-975.

"Evolution of Services." Department of Mental Health, Rhode Island, 2001.

"Expanding Affordable Housing Options for DMH Clients: An Action Agenda for the Future." CHAPA Report, June 2000.
5The Mental Health Housing System: The PracticeKnoedler, William. "What About Assertive Community Treatment?" NAMI, 2001.

"The Olmstead Decision and its Impact on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities." (Web)

"NAMI Offers Comments on Bush Executive Order Regarding State Implementation of Olmstead." NAMI E-news, August, 2001.

Torrey, and Zdanowicz. "Deinstitutionalization Hasn't Worked." Washington Post, July 9, 1999.

"DMH Affiliated Housing: Overview and Data Analysis." Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, August 2003.

"Integrated Housing Overview." Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, 2004.

Katz, Jessica. "Chasing Buddy Baker." Profile by Jessica Katz. (MCP 2003)
6Elderly Housing and Service Needs: The TheoryKeyes, Langley. "Housing the Elderly: The Demographic Imperative." Economic Security and Intergenerational Justice, Urban Institute, 1993.

"Before the Boom: …." Public Policy Institute, AARP, October 2002.

"The Challenge of Housing Security." HUD, 1999. (selections)

"These Four Walls…." AARP, May 2003, pp. 62-75.

"Consumer-Directed Services for Older People." National Institute on Consumer-Directed Long-term Services, 1996.

"Who We Are." On Lok Senior Housing, 2002.

"Assisted Living in the United States." AARP, June 2001.

"Selecting a Continuing Care Retirement Community." AHHSA, 2001.
7Elderly Housing: The PracticeKeyes, Langley. "The Challenge of Housing Security." HUD, 1999. (selections)

"Consumer-Directed Services for Older People." National Institute on Consumer-Directed Long-term Services, 1996.

"Who We Are." On Lok Senior Housing, 2002

"Assisted Living in the United States." AARP, June 2001

"Selecting a Continuing Care Retirement Community." AHHSA, 2001.

"In Brief: The 1999 National Survey of Section 202 Elderly Housing."
8Transitional Housing: The Theory, the Practice and the DebateBarrow, and Zimmer. "Transitional Housing and Services: A Synthesis." National Symposium on Homeless Research, 1998.

"Transitional Housing: Best Practices & Pitfalls." HomeBase, 1997.

"Domestic Violence and the Need for Transitional Housing," National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2003.
9Constructing Special Categories: AIDS HousingAmazon logo Marcuse, P. "The Pitfalls of Specialism: Special Groups and the General Problem of Housing." Housing Issues of the 1990s. Edited by Sara Rosenberry, and Chester Hartman. New York: Praeger, 1989. ISBN: 0275923622.

Amazon logo Yates, Chris. Building for Immunity: Housing People with HIV Disease and AIDS, AIDS and Housing Project. London: National Federation of Housing Associations, 1991. ISBN: 0862972000.

AIDS: The Issues for Housing Resource Information Service, 1987.

"AIDS Housing of Washington." 3rd Annual Conference Handbook.
10Deinstitutionalization: Ex-Offenders in the Community
11Placed-Based Services in Public Housing: The Jobs Plus ProgramRiccio, James A., and Linda Y. Kato. Building New Partnerships for Employment: Collaboration Among Agencies and Public Housing Residents In the Jobs-Plus Demonstration. Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, May 2001. (PDF)
12People-based Services in Public Housing: Family Self-Sufficiency and JobLinkExtracts from Laurie's Goldman's Collected Writings on FSS.
13Student Presentations
14Student Presentations and Wrap Up


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