
Cities in Conflict: Theory and Practice >> Content Detail



Students are expected to read, critically assess, and write commentaries on course readings, participate in the institute-wide Faculty Seminar, and write a final paper that focuses on a conflicted city of their choice. Students will be encouraged to develop field or empirical research projects that could be pursued in Spring 2004 as the Faculty Seminar continues, and possibly in a longer-term time frame.

Examples of student papers are offered below. The student work is courtesy of Daniel Esser and Shahid Sadruddin Nanavati. Used with permission.

Achieving Peace in Crisis Cities – Reflections on Urban Conflict Transformation and the Nation State Project, by Daniel Esser (PDF)

Gujarat - Ahmedabad: A Quagmire of Recurring Conflict, by Shahid Sadruddin Nanavati (PDF)


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