1 | Introduction to Course | |
2 | "First Wave" Feminism | Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication of the Rights of Women. New York, NY: Prometheus Books, 1989, chapter 9. ISBN: 9780879755256.
Davis. Women, Race and Class. pp. 1-86. |
3 | Seneca Falls and Beyond | "Declaration of Independence."
Stanton. "Declaration of Sentiments."
Douglass, Frederick. "Appeal to Congress for Universal Suffrage."
Truth, Sojourner. "Ain't I a Woman?" In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 20. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
4 | Suffrage | Burns, Ken. Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. 1999. |
5 | Women and Madness | Gilman. The Yellow Wall-paper.
Optional Readings
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The 'Nervous Breakdown' of Women." In The Yellow Wallpaper. Edited by Erskine and Richards. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. pp. 67-75. ISBN: 9780813519937.
Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll. "The Hysterical Woman: Sex Roles and Role Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America." In The Yellow Wallpaper. Edited by Erskine and Richards. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. pp. 77-104. ISBN: 9780813519937.
Mitchell, S. Weir. Selections from Fat & Blood, Wear & Tear, and Doctor & Patient. In The Yellow Wallpaper. Edited by Erskine and Richards. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. pp. 105-111. ISBN: 9780813519937.
Gilbert, Sandra, and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic. In The Yellow Wallpaper. Edited by Erskine and Richards. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 115-123. ISBN: 9780813519937.
Hedges, Elaine R. "'Out at Last'? 'The Yellow Wallpaper' after Two Decades of Feminist Criticism." In Critical Essays on Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Edited by Joanne Karpinski. MacMillan Publishing Company, 1992, pp. 222-233. ISBN: 9780816173150. |
6 | Hysteria, Neurasthenia, and Other Female Maladies | Fausto-Sterling, Anne. "Hormonal Hurricanes: Menstruation, Menopause, and Female Behavior." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 334-347. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
7 | Oppression | Frye, Marilyn. "Oppression." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 6-8. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Lorde, Audre. "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 22-24. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Schacht, Steven. "Teaching About Being an Oppressor: Some Personal and Political Considerations." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 24-29. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
8 | Socialization and Gender Roles | Thornton Dill, Bonnie. "The Means to Put My Children Through: Child-Rearing Goals and Strategies among Black Female Domestic Servants." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 144-154. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Thorne, Barrie. "Girls and Boys Together... But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary Schools." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 154-165. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
9 | Socialization of Children | Kimmel, Michael. "What Are Little Boys Made Of?" In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 166-169. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Paley, Grace. "Inherit The War." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 169. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Risman, Barbara. "Ideology, Experience, Identity: The Complex World of Children in Fair Families." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 169-179. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
10 | Theoretical Debates: Social Construction vs. Biological Essentialism | Lorber, Judith. "'Night to His Day': The Social Construction of Gender." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 33-51. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Kessler, Suzanne. "The Medical Construction of Gender." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 51-66. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Toilet Training (Sylvia Rivera Law Project video on gendered bathrooms)
Optional Reading
Mustafa, Nadia, Deirdre van Dyk, and Ulla Pion. "The Math Myth." Time, March 7, 2005, 50-60. |
11 | Challenging the Binary: Intersex | Fausto-Sterling, Anne. "Five Sexes Revisited: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough." The Sciences (March-April 1993): 20-25.
Excerpt by Stone Phillips. Dateline, NBC, February 8, 2000. Story of David Reimer and the John Money twins case. |
12 | Transgenderism | Cameron, Loren. "Portrait of a Man." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 37. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Optional Readings
Wilchins, Riki Anne. "17 Things You Don't Say to a Transsexual," and "What Does It Cost to Tell The Truth?" In Read My Lips. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1997. pp. 27-40. ISBN: 9781563410901.
Feinberg, Leslie. "Allow Me to Introduce Myself." In TransLiberation: Beyond Pink or Blue. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1999, pp. 15-35. ISBN: 9780807079515. |
13 | Film: Sir | LaRosa, Melanie. Sir: Just a Normal Guy. 2001-2002. |
14 | Embodiment | Discussion of Sir.
Clare. Exile and Pride. |
15 | Embodiment (cont.) | Clare. Exile and Pride.
Galler, Roberta. "The Myth of the Perfect Body." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 108-110. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Gimlin, Debra. "Cosmetic Surgery: Paying for Your Beauty." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 94-108. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
16 | Body Image and Representation of Women | Richardson, Laurel. "Gender Stereotyping in the English Language." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 89-93. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Kleinman, Sherryl. "Why I'm Not a Lady (And No Woman Is)." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 94. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Onishi, Norimitsu. "Globalization of Beauty Makes Slimness Trendy." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 468-470. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
17 | Body Image and Representation of Women (cont.) | Banks, Ingrid. "Hair Still Matters." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 110-118. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Hooks, Bell. "Selling Hot Pussy: Representations of Black Female Sexuality in the Cultural Marketplace." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 119-127. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Le Espirutu, Yen. "Ideological Racism and Cultural Resistance." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 128-141. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
18 | Sexualities | Bordo, Susan. "In Hiding and on Display." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 306-312. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Tolman, Deborah. "Doing Desire: Adolescent Girls' Struggles for/with Sexuality." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 312-323. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Mackler, Carolyn. "Sex Ed: How Do We Score?" In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 324-326. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
19 | Sexualities (cont.) | Rupp, Leila. "Finding the Lesbians in Lesbian History: Reflections on Female Same-Sex Sexuality in the Western World." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 302-306. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Messner, Michael. "Becoming 100% Straight." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 327-331. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Deevey, Sharon. "Assessing Older Lesbians' Health Needs." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 371-372. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
20 | Women and Work | Kessler-Harris, Alice. "The Wage Conceived: Value and Need as Measures of a Woman's Worth." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 185-199. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Bose, Christine, and Rachel Bridges Whaley. "Sex Segregation in the U.S. Work Force." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 200-209. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Reskin, Barbara. "The Realities of Affirmative Action in Employment." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 225-227. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
21 | Women, Work, and Families | Padavic, Irene, and Barbara Reskin. "Moving Up and Taking Charge." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 209-225. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Hertz, Rosanna. "Working to Place the Family at the Center of Life: Dual-Earner and Single-Parent Strategies." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 250-259. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Ehrenreich, Barbara. "The Mommy Test." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 259-261. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
22 | Families | Segura, Denise. "Working at Motherhood: Chicana and Mexicana Immigrant Mothers and Employment." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 261-275. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Thai, Hung Cam. "For Better or Worse: Gender Alllures in the Vietnamese Global Marriage Market." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 275-286. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Nsiah-Jefferson, Laurie. "Reproductive Laws, Women of Color, and Low Income Women." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 363-370. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
23 | Families (cont.) | Walters, Suzanna. "Wedding Bells and Baby Carriages: Heterosexuals Imagine Gay Families, Gay Families Imagine Themselves." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 286-296. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Naples, Nancy. "A Member of the Funeral." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 296-299. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Zeldes, Kiki. Lifetime Commitment - A Portrait of Karen Thompson. 1994. |
24 | Violence Against Women | Yancey Martin, Patricia, and Robert Hummer. "Fraternities and Rape on Campus." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 389-398. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Allen, Robert, and Paul Kivel. "Men Changing Men." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 398-401. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Steinem, Gloria. "Supremacy Crimes." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 401-403. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Tetreault, Mary Ann. "Accountability or Justice? Rape as a War Crime." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 415-427. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
25 | Global Politics | Enloe, Cynthia. "The Globetrotting Sneaker." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 453-457. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Kristof, Nicholas. "Iraq's Little Secret." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 452-453. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Woods, Harriet. "The Truth About Women and Power." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 444-451. ISBN: 9780072824230. |
26 | Contemporary Feminism | Neuborne, Ellen. "The Next Feminist Generation: Imagine My Surprise." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 512-514. ISBN: 9780072824230.
Taylor, Verta, Nancy Whittier, and Cynthia Fabrizio Pelak. "The Women's Movement: Persistence Through Transformation." In Feminist Frontiers. Edited by Taylor Richardson, and Whittier. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 515-531. ISBN: 9780072824230. |