
Sexual and Gender Identities >> Content Detail



The following critical response papers are representative of those used during the Fall 2005 term. In the response papers, students were asked to reflect on a key concept through a close critical reading of one text, or a comparison of two. The papers provided below are examples of student work submitted for the final project.

Critical Response Papers

Response Paper One (PDF)

Response Paper Two (PDF)

Response Paper Three (PDF)

Final Projects

The following projects are courtesy of the authors and are used here with permission.

Fall 2005

Ackerman, Nicole. "Transgender Issues at the Institute." (PDF)

Hayes, Dugan. "Noise Music as Queer Expression." (PDF)

Anonymous student. "Queer Families." (PDF)

Anonymous student. "Bisexuality." (PDF)

Fall 2006

Anonymous student. "Homophobia, Intolerance, and Gender in Star Trek: The Next Generation." (PDF)

Papageorge, Alexander. "Examining the Gender of Women in Science and Engineering." (PDF)

Mirzoeff, Samantha, and Stephanie Brenman. "Same-Sex Marriage and its Alternatives." (PDF)

Peterson, Christina. "The Search for the Truth of Sex." (PDF)


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